may be manually reset by the PACC operator
inserts to point out the differences between the
depressing the RESET push button. If the engine
DD and CG consoles.
selected to start does not come on line, the PACC
operator may elect to press the ENGINE
RESTART push button to initiate another
attempt at starting the selected engine. If the
PACC operator does nothing, the system will
automatically reset after 20 seconds.
The PLANT MODE SELECT section has
three push-button control indicators. They are
POWER. These push buttons are used by the
PACC operator to automatically place the
main propulsion plant in the desired plant
configuration. The PACC operator selects
which mode of plant operation he desires the
plant to operate. The selected mode illuminates
white to indicate the command to the system
GTM 1B Manual Start Section
The GTM 1B MANUAL START section,
located in the lower right corner of the MIMIC
panel, is a mirror image of the GTM 2B
M A N U A L START section. It has alarm
indicators and status indicators identical to the
GTM 2B section. These were described under the
GTM 2B MANUAL START section of the engine
No. 2 panel and will not be described again.
Figure 5-6 shows the engine No. 2 panel
divided into five sections for engine No. 1A. These
sections are labeled RDCN GEAR LUBO, CRP,
FUEL OIL, GTM 1 A (including alarm, manual
start push-button indicators, and torque and LO
pressure meters for both GTMs), and LUBE OIL.
This panel is a mirror image of the engine room No.
1 panel shown in figure 5-2. The components are
labeled for the 1B and 1A engines. The meters,
switches, and alarm/indicators are identical and
This section has 10 alarm indicators (9 on the
will not be described again.
CG console) and a spare indicator. These alarm
indicators are used to monitor the waste heat
boilers. Starting at the top of the column, the first
three alarm indicators on both the DD and CG
consoles are functionally identical, although
The PACC auxiliary/bleed air panels for the
they are labeled slightly different. These alarm
indicators illuminate red if a summary fault
DD- and CG-class ships' consoles are shown in
condition has been detected on either Nos. 1, 2,
figures 5-7 and 5-8. The DD-class ship's console
or 3 WHB. After these three, the next two alarm
is divided into 14 sections (16 on the CG console).
indicators on both consoles are also functionally
Again, we will describe the DD console and use