Located at the bottom and to the left and right
The other dual-indicating meter under the
of the TORQUE meter are two push-button
heading VIBRATION is labeled GG and PT.
control indicators. The left push-button indicator
Associated, and located to the right of this meter,
is identical on the DD and CG consoles. It is
are two toggle switches. The top toggle switch
under the heading FILTER is a two-position
depressed by the PACC operator, it illuminates
switch labeled GG FREQ and PT FREQ. This
red to indicate the shaft torque limiting is
switch is used to select which vibration sensor the
inhibited. Commanding officer's permission is
signal displayed on the meter is monitoring, either
required for the PACC operator to activate this
the GG vibration transducer or the PT vibration
push button. The other push button on the DD
transducer. The other toggle switch, under the
console, under the heading SHAFT BRAKE, is
heading ENGINE, is a two-position switch labeled
labeled ON and OFF. It illuminates either red or
2A and 2B. It is used to select which engine's
green to indicate the command to the shaft brake.
vibration is to be displayed on the meter.
On the CG console, this push-button indicator is
under the heading STOP SHAFT. It DOES NOT
engage the shaft brake. It is labeled ON and OFF
and illuminates either red or green to indicate the
PACC operator's command to the on line
engine(s) PT brake. When the PT brakes are ON
(engaged), they will allow the shaft to coast to a
and MRG Mimic Section
GTM 1B Section
Two dual-indicating meters are located below
The GTM 1B section, located in the upper
the GTM 2A (GTM 2B) section at the left and
right corner of the MIMIC panel, is a mirror
right side of the DD MIMIC panel. These meters
image of the GTM 2B section. It has alarm
are identical and labeled for the related engine.
indicators and status indicators identical to the
On the CG console this position is filled with a
GTM 2B. These were described under the GTM
mimic of the MRG and has red LEDs to indicate
2B section of the engine No. 2 panel and will not
a bearing high temperature. The DDI address for
be described again.
each bearing is also on this mimic.
The first dual-indicating meter under the
GTM 2A Manual Start Section
heading PLA is labeled 2B and 2A. It displays
the applicable engine's PLA position in percent
The GTM 2A MANUAL START section,
of power.
located in the lower left corner of the MIMIC