push-button control indicators are used to
identical, although they are labeled slightly
different. They monitor the forward and aft boiler
emergency stop either the Nos. 1, 2, or 3 WHBs
header pressure and illuminate red to indicate low
by closing their respective steam stop valves. They
header pressure in their respective header. The
illuminate red when depressed.
sixth alarm indicator on the DD console is labeled
OILY CONDENSATE. It illuminates red if the
presence of oil is detected in the condensate
system. The next two alarm indicators on
both consoles are a pair of functionally
identical indicators. They monitor the salinity
level of the condensate coolers and illuminate
red if a high salinity condition exists on
either condensate cooler No. 1 or No. 2.
The last two alarm indicators are functionally
identical on both consoles, but they are
labeled slightly different. They monitor the
f o r w a r d and aft feed water tank HI/LO
levels and illuminate amber if the feed water
tank level is either high or low in the respective
This section is identical on both the DD
and CG consoles. I t is used to monitor
the main seawater service system and to
provide start/stop control of the three sea-
water pumps. It has four alarm indicators
and three split-legend, push-button control
indicators. The alarm indicators are a set of
functionally identical indicators, each being
This section has a dual-indicating meter and
labeled slightly different. Starting at the top,
three push-button control indicators. It is
the first three indicators illuminate red if
identical on both the DD and CG consoles. It is
either Nos. 1, 2, or 3 seawater pump discharge
pressure is low. The fourth alarm indicator
used to monitor and secure (in an emergency) the
ship's steam system. The dual-indicating meter is
illuminates red if main seawater system pressure
used to monitor the forward and aft steam header
is low. The three push-button indicators illuminate
pressure, which is displayed in psig. The three
either green or red to indicate the status and