They illuminate green when the respective
fault is detected on either sewage plant No. 1 or
plant No. 2. The next pair of alarm indicators
monitor the waste drain tank levels. They
illuminate amber if a high-level condition occurs
on either waste drain tank No. 1 or No. 2.
The next two indicators monitor the ship's
incinerators. They illuminate amber if a summary
fault is detected on either incinerator No. 1 or
No. 2.
REFRD Section
This section monitors the ship's refrigeration
plant and is identical on both the DD and CG
consoles. It has two alarm indicators that
The CG console SEWAGE/WASTE section
illuminate amber if a summary fault condition
monitors three sewage system tanks, the oily water
is detected on either the No. 1 or No. 2
drain tank and the GT drain tank in engine room
refrigeration plant.
No. 1, the waste oil and oily waste drain tanks
in AMR1, the oily water drain tanks in AMR2
and engine room No. 2, the GT drain tank in
engine room No. 2, the GT drain tank and the
oily water drain tank for SS/E gtr (generator)
No. 3, the three oily water separators, the surge
tank levels, and the oily condensate of the oily
water separators.
Starting at the top of the column, the first nine
alarm indicators monitor the sewage systems,
Nos. 1, 2, and 3. They illuminate amber if either
a high, low, or overflow tank level condition
exists on the sewage holding tanks or sumps for
These sections monitor the sewage and waste
systems Nos. 1, 2, or 3, respectively.
systems and serve the same purpose on both
The tenth and eleventh alarm indicators
PACCs. They are functionally identical, but they
are NOT physically identical. On the DD console,
monitor the engine room No. 1 oily water drain
this section is labeled SEWAGE and has six alarm
tank and gravity drain tank, respectively. They
indicators. On the CG console, it is labeled
illuminate amber if a high level occurs in
SEWAGE/WASTE and has 25 alarm indicators.
either tank. The thirteenth and fourteenth alarm
We will describe the DD console alarm indicators
indicators monitor the level of the waste oil drain
and then the CG console alarm indicators.
tank and the oily waste holding tank in AMR1.
The SEWAGE section monitors two sewage
They illuminate amber if a high level occurs in
the respective tank. The fifteenth alarm indicator
p l a n t s , two waste drain tanks, and two
incinerators. The six alarm indicators are actually
monitors the level of the oily water drain tank in
AMR2. It illuminates amber if a high level
three pairs of functionally identical indicators.
occurs in this tank. The sixteenth and seventeenth
Starting at the top of the column, the first two
alarm indicators monitor the engine room No. 2
alarm indicators illuminate amber if a summary