imposed by higher authority. These requirements will
The higher you advance, the more responsibility
take precedence over the minimum requirements set
you will have for engineering administration. At this
forth in the basic QA manual. As part of your ship's QA
stage in your naval career, you must become more
program, your QA manual should reflect any necessary
involved with the administration portion of your rating.
additional requirements and changes to the basic QA
This chapter deals briefly with certain aspects of your
responsibilities in the areas of quality assurance and
engineering administration.
For the most part, requirements set forth in the basic
This manual is a source of information as you
QA manual pertain to the repair and maintenance done
by the force intermediate maintenance activities
continue training in the tasks you perform at the E-5
(IMAs). These requirements, however, are also
level of the Gas Turbine Systems Technician
(Mechanical) (GSM) rating. Your understanding of the
designed to apply to maintenance performed aboard
information in this training manual (TRAMAN)
ship by ship's force.
combined with essential practical experience should
Because there is a wide range of ship types,
help you perform your assigned tasks and accept greater
equipment, and resources available for maintenance and
repair, the instructions in the basic QA manual are
This TRAMAN should help increase your
general in nature. The overall goal is to have all repairs
knowledge of the GSM rating. It should also provide
conform to basic QA specifications. Each activity,
however, must carry out its own QA program to meet
you with a foundation from which you can begin your
the intent of the basic QA manual. In cases where
study and preparation for advancement to second class
specifications cannot be met, your ship must complete
petty officer. Your contribution to the Navy, however,
will depend on your ability to accept increasing
a departure-from-specifications request reporting these
responsibilities as you advance. When you assume the
duties of a GSM2, you accept certain responsibilities for
the work of others. As you advance in your career, you
also accept additional responsibilities in military
subjects and in the occupational and training
The basic thrust of the QA program is to make sure
requirements for the Gas Turbine Specialist (GS) rating.
you follow technical specifications during all work on
ships of the surface fleet. The key elements of the
program include the following categories:
Administration. Administrative requirements
Some of your additional responsibilities will
include training and qualifying personnel,
involve your support of the Navy's quality assurance
monitoring and auditing programs, and
(QA) program. The QA program is designed to provide
completing QA forms and records.
Navy personnel with the information and guidance they
need to manage a uniform policy of the maintenance and
Job execution. Job requirements include
repair of ships. The QA program introduces discipline
preparing work procedures, meeting controlled
into the repair of equipment, safety of personnel, and
material requirements, and requisitioning
configuration control. All these factors will serve to
material. This category also includes conducting
enhance your ship's readiness.
in-process control of fabrication and repairs,
testing and recertifying equipment, and
documenting any departure from specifications.
Basically, the instructions in the QA manual apply
A properly functioning QA program points out
to every ship and activity in the force and state the
problem areas to maintenance managers so they can take
minimum QA requirements for the surface fleet. At
corrective actions in a timely manner. The following
goals are common to all Navy QA programs:
times, however, more stringent requirements will be