Figure 1-1.--MGTESR Cover Sheet.
MGTESR always remains with its associated
6. MGTE Miscellaneous/History
equipment. If a gas turbine engine is removed from
the ship, for example, the associated record is
7. MGTE Selected Component Record
transferred with the engine. The same procedure is
followed even if only one of the removable accessories
8. MGTE Selected Component Record (SCR)
is removed from the engine and shipped for repair. In
every case, the applicable service records must
always accompany the removed items.
9. Supplemental records
The MGTESR binder consists of 10 separate
The following paragraphs will briefly describe the
sections, each containing explicit information
purpose of each of these sections.
concerning one particular gas turbine engine. The
following list contains the 10 sections of the MGTESR
Cover Sheet. The MGTESR cover sheet is used
only for equipment identification and installation
1. Cover sheet
data. The engine/equipment is identified by serial
number. The installation history entries continue in
2. Marine Gas Turbine Engine
the spaces provided to generate a chronological
Custody and Transfer Record
record of nonrepair activities at which the equipment
was installed.
3. MGTE Operating Log
MGTE Custody and Transfer Record. When
4. MGTE Inspection Record 5. MGTE Record
an MGTESR is transferred as a part of an equipment
of Rework
transaction from one activity to another, the MGTE
5. MGTE Technical Directives