Figure 1-4.--MGTE Inspection Record.
start is defined as the engine's successfully going
Custody and Transfer Record is completed before the
through the start cycle to idle. Motoring and hung
transfer. (See fig. 1-2.) This record shows who has
starts should not be entered in the NO. STARTS
custody of the MGTESR and the engine or
column of the log.
equipment's condition (complete/uncannibalized) at
the time of transfer. The commanding officer or the
MGTE Inspection Record. Accurate inspection
person appointed signs this record.
records are a primary requirement, and they prevent
MGTE Operating Log. The MGTE Operating
the unnecessary reinspection by a new custodian
upon transfer of an equipment item. The MGTE
Log shows the total operating time of the engine,
starting from the time the engine was new. It also
the logging and authenticating of the performance of
shows the time interval since the last depot repair or
all special and conditional inspections performed on
rework was performed.
the equipment. You should note that the performance
of routine or periodic inspection requirements of the
A sample of an MGTE Operating Log is shown in
Planned Maintenance System (PMS) are not recorded
on this record.
number of starts must be entered on a daily, weekly,
or monthly basis. You should also note that an engine