Legal Records
somewhat in the procedures it includes, the goals are the
same. To accomplish these goals, gas turbine ships must
The engineering department must maintain certain
maintain lubricating oil logs.
legal records. These records are in the category of
Samples of lubricating oil should be taken at
mandatory records required by law. The two legal
definite intervals to determine whether the oil meets all
records the engineering department must maintain are
requirements. The results of the samples must be entered
the Engineering Log and the Engineer's Bell Book.
in the proper log as specified in the Lube Oil
Engineering department personnel must make
Management Program.
certain that the Engineering Log and the Engineer's Bell
Book are maintained in a conscientious and specific
quality requirements protect gas turbine engines from
manner. The following list contains some of the basic
serious damage, such as corrosion of the gas turbine hot
guidelines you must follow while preparing or checking
section, fouling of engine controls, and plugging of fuel
these logs for accuracy:
nozzles. Maintaining a fuel system log helps the
Do not make erasures.
engineering department to achieve these requirements.
Any errors should be overlined and initialed by
This log is a locally prepared document that
the person who prepared the original entries. That
includes spaces for recording the results of all shipboard
person should draw a single line through the
fuel tests. The information in the fuel management log
original entry so the entry remains legible. The
serves as an integral part of shipboard maintenance. It
same person should then insert the correct entry
aids in the prevention of delivery of contaminated fuel
to the gas turbine engines. Whenever test results exceed
maximum parameters, the entries should include
The person who enters the change must initial
notations that corrective actions have been taken.
that change in the margin of the page.
JP-5 LOGS. Since most gas turbine ships can
After the commanding officer signs either of
support helicopters, an aviation fuel (JP-5) system is
these records, no changes can be made without
installed. Fuel quality requirements are more critical and
his or her permission.
extensive for JP-5 fuel than other fuels. Minute amounts
of dirt and water in the fuel can cause engine failures.
Operating Records
To monitor for these conditions, the oil lab should
maintain a fuel sample log.
Engineering operating records assure the regular
inspection of operating machinery and provide data for
ment records are an essential element of the gas turbine
performance analysis. Operating logs and records do not
technical discipline. These records provide a history of
replace frequent inspections of operating machinery by
operations, maintenance, and configuration changes of
supervisory personnel nor do they warn of impending
the equipment. Incomplete or inaccurate records can
casualties. They do, however, provide important
cause unnecessary maintenance of equipment. All
information on the performance of operating equipment.
activities having custody of marine gas turbine
Personnel who maintain operating logs and records
equipment must maintain service records in a proper and
must be properly trained to interpret and record data
up-to-date status. Naval Ships' Technical Manual
correctly and to report any abnormal conditions.
(NSTM), chapter 234, "Marine Gas Turbines," includes
The following sections will briefly describe some
the procedures your department should follow to
of the engineering operating logs and how you may
maintain these records.
become involved with these logs as you advance in the
The Marine Gas Turbine Equipment Service Record
GSM rating. A more detailed description and examples
(MGTESR) is a comprehensive equipment service
of the logs that are maintained by the oil lab will be
record. This record is in the form of a looseleaf log
contained within a separate cover and bound in a binder.
importance of good quality lubricating oil, the Lube Oil
The manufacturer of the equipment starts the
Management Program was developed. The guidelines
MGTESR. The MGTESR is later maintained by the
for this program are presented in the form of an
instruction. Although this instruction may vary
activity having custody of the equipment. The