Figure 2-5.--Boiler water testing cabinet (inside view).
internal light and a door that can be locked for
safety purposes. Although the cabinet is portable,
with the tester to supply gas to the test flame.
for shipboard use it is normally bolted to the
When the tester is not in use, you should make
certain the propane bottle is properly stowed.
Because the thermometer in the unit contains
mercury, it must be audited by the hazardous
Conductivity Meter
materials officer (usually the supply officer). Use
and store this thermometer carefully to avoid
With the removal of carbon steel steam-
breaking it. If it should break be sure to contact
generating tubes and the installation of stainless-
your ship's hazardous materials spill team.
steel ones, the WHB water chemistry testing
program has undergone several changes over the
Boiler Water Testing Cabinet
years. One of these changes was the deletion of pH
To implement this change, U.S. Navy ships have
A typical boiler water testing cabinet is shown
two types of conductivity meters currently in use.
the primary equipment and chemicals you will
The older meter requires a warm-up
need to perform approximately 90 percent of all
water chemistry testing. It is equipped with an