confuse the true flash point with the bluish halo
tank bottom for water contamination and strip it as
that may surround the test flame until the real
necessary. When the service tank is suitable for use,
"flash" occurs.
sample and test the filter/separator discharge 5 minutes
after you place the tank in service and at least once every
4 hours during system operation. To test the fuel, you
happen to be aboard a ship, such as an FFG, that has
will use the AEL Mk I/II and AEL Mk III testers. You
noncompensated fuel oil storage tanks, you must
will use the AEL Mk III first.
should perform this test 24 hours after the receipt of fuel.
AEL Mk III. The AEL Mk III is a portable fuel
If water is present, the tank must be stripped. You must
detection unit. It consists of a fuel sample container, a
retest the tank until the fuel meets the requirements set
fuel millipore filtration system (with the filter), and a
forth in NSTM chapter 541. Use the procedures in the
light transmission system that will determine the
following paragraphs.
quantity of solids contamination trapped on the
millipore filter. All the equipment and parts you will
Service Tank Replenishment. Noncompensated
need are stored in the unit. Before you begin the test,
fuel oil storage tanks contain the fuel products that will
however, there are two things you must check: (1) Make
be used to replenish the main and auxiliary service tanks
sure the calibration chart is up to date, as it must be
of your ship. For this reason, you must test
updated quarterly according to the PMS, and (2) make
noncompensated storage tanks for water contamination
sure the fuel flask is empty. If you have to drain the flask,
and strip them as necessary before the fuel transfer takes
turn the drain handle to allow the fuel to drain through
the tygon tubing to the waste fuel container. Once the
Five minutes after the start of the fuel transfer and
fuel has drained, close the drain cock Now take the
every 30 minutes thereafter, you must sample and
following steps:
visually inspect the purifier discharge. Your sample
1. Disassemble the filter holder and bottle
should meet the clear and bright criteria. If the sample
receiver assembly by turning the center locking
fails, you need to inspect the tank and clean the purifier.
ring in a counterclockwise direction and
Once the service tank is replenished, you should
pulling apart the two components. Insert the
recirculate the fuel. If your ship is equipped with
filter holder (the equipment with the rubber
self-cleaning purifiers, recirculate the fuel in the service
stopper) into the opening in the fuel flask.
tank for at least 3 hours and as long as possible after this
2. Using the forceps, place two millipore filters
period. Even if your ship is equipped with manual
on the rubber stopper side of the assembly
purifiers, you should still try to recirculate the fuel for
(filter screen). Do not touch these filters with
at least 3 hours after replenishment. A properly working
your hands!
a single pass. If you operate the purifier for multiple
3. R e a s s e m b l e the filter assembly and
passes (3 hours), you can remove as much as 90 percent
temporarily place it in the opening of the fuel
flask. Now, turn on the light switch so the unit
can warm up.
use of the coalescer, separator, and prefilter elements.
4. Fill the plastic bottle with 200 mL of the fuel
As an additional precaution, you must make sure the
purifier bowl is cleaned regularly. If the purifier bowl is
not clean, recirculating the fuel will be of little value. If
5. Remove the filter assembly from the fuel flask
the service tank remains idle for over 48 hours,
opening and install it on the plastic sample
recirculate the fuel for at least 3 hours.
bottle. Make sure the entire threaded portion of
the sample bottle is inserted into the filter
Your ship can minimize the entry of pollution-laden
harbor water into the compensated fuel tanks by topping
off the service tanks before entering port and by not
6. Insert the ground wire into the receptacle next
transferring fuel between groups. In the same way, your
to the fuel flask opening. Quickly invert the
ship should never use harbor water as tank ballast for
sample and place it into the fuel flask opening.
noncompensated fuel stowage tanks.
Now, turn on the pump.
Service Tank Operations. Before placing the
7. After all the fuel has drained from the sample
auxiliary (standby) service tank in use, you must test the
bottle, carefully remove the bottle from the