use the pressurized sampling method, which we will
should take oil samples and the frequency with which
discuss later.) Use the following steps:
you should perform sampling procedures.
1. Clean the area around the sounding cap and
remove the cap.
2. Attach the thief sampler to the sounding tape and
You should take oil samples for shipboard testing at
lower it into the sump. Do this slowly so the
the intervals specified by the PMS, the EOSS, or the
sampler will gently hit the striker plate at the
applicable technical manuals for your ship. Unless
bottom. You can damage the sampler if you let
otherwise specified in these documents, you should
it hit the striker plate too hard. If you are not
sample all equipment at the following times:
familiar with the depth of the tank, measure it
first. Then, you can use the sounding tape to
Before start-up
measure the distance from the top of the
30 minutes after start-up
sounding tube to the striker plate before you
attach the sampler. Remember, the sounding
Daily thereafter
tape plumb bob is approximately 4 inches
In addition, you must sample idle equipment weekly. Be
shorter than the sampler.
sure to check all equipment for proper oil levels before
3. Once the sampler is at the bottom of the tank,
and after sampling.
you can take a sample. However, you will not
You also should sample when unusual conditions
keep this sample. You will use it to flush out the
occur, such as abnormal changes in temperature,
sample bottle. Remember to keep the sample
pressure, vibration, or noise levels. You should always
bottle capped or closed promptly after you take
sample whenever you observe an abnormal symptom,
such as a sudden oil color change, foaming in the sight
4. After flushing the sample bottle, dump the oil
glass, and excessive leakage, venting, or oil
into a pail for disposal.
5. Fill the sample bottle. You will have to send the
sampler down several times to obtain enough oil
to fill the bottle.
6. Label the filled sample bottle with the following
Normal lube oil sampling and testing
requirements do not apply during engineering
casualty control drills. For equipment involved
Equipment name
in casualty control drills, test the oil 1 hour
Oil type
before the beginning of the drills and 1 hour
after the completion of the drills.
STATIC METHOD.-- You will use the static
method to take samples on equipment items that have
The three oil sampling methods you will commonly
use aboard ship are: (1) thief, (2) static, and (3)
sample connections installed on the equipment sump.
The equipment items with this type of sample
pressurized. In the following paragraphs, we will
connection are usually auxiliary equipment, such as air
discuss these methods and the equipment you will need.
THIEF METHOD.-- Thief sampling is the method
and settling tanks.
you will use primarily to sample the bottom of the
For static sampling, you will use the same basic
equipment sump (like that on the main reduction gear)
procedures you would use for thief sampling. The only
before the lube oil service pumps are started. You will
difference in static sampling is you must flush the
use a thief sampler (sounding tube sampler) similar to
sample connection. The amount of oil you must use to
flush the connection must beat least equal to or greater
sounding tube, you must use a pail, a clean 8-ounce
than the amount of stagnant oil already in the
sample bottle, rags, and a thief sampler. (If the sump
does not have a sounding tube, you will be required to