5. Remove the reaction indicator card from the kit
you identify the contamination unless you obtain written
and compare the color of the separated indicator
authorization from the commanding officer. For secured
(lower level in vial) with the card. If the indicator
equipment, have the oil either purified or changed
is blue, the oil is satisfactory. If the indicator in
before the equipment is readied for operation.
the vial is either green or yellow, the oil is
3. If the combined BS&W exceeds 0.4 percent or
unsatisfactory and should be changed.
if sediment exceeds 0.1 percent at any BS&W level, the
oil is at the condemning limit. In this case, you must
Fuel Dilution and Oil Thickening Test
secure the equipment unless the commanding officer
authorizes its continued use in writing.
Like the oil acidity test, you will perform the fuel
dilution and oil thickening test on series 9000 (diesel)
Mineral Oil Contamination Test
oils. For the fuel dilution and oil thickening test, you will
need a sample of clean (new) lube oil as well as the
sample from the engine (used oil). Take the comparator
synthetic oils. In fact, you must routinely test synthetic
from its storage case and set it up on a level, stable work
area. Make sure it is firmly supported and at a slight
contamination is always a possibility because of the
angle from the vertical position. Take the following
configuration of the synthetic oil cooling systems.
According to the PMS, you will routinely perform the
test for mineral oil contamination every month. Use the
1 . Using the thermometer from the test kit,
following steps:
measure the temperature of the new and used
oils to make sure the difference is not greater
1. Mix 25 mL of synthetic oil with 75 mL of
than 1F (-17.2C).
absolute methanol in a 100-mL graduated
cylinder that you can cap.
2. Fill tube A of the comparator to the gallery (the
enlargement of the diameter) with new oil and
2. Seal the container and shake it vigorously.
place it in the comparator. Fill tubes 1 and 2 to
3. Observe the liquid. If the liquid appears cloudy,
the same level with used oils and place them also
it is contaminated with mineral oil. If the liquid
in the comparator.
remains clear, it is not contaminated with
mineral oil.
4. If the oil is contaminated, find the cause and
correct it. Then, thoroughly flush the oil system
before you add new oil.
You can place samples from two different
engines in the individual comparator tubes
(tubes 1 and 2) at the same time. You will run
Oil Acidity Test
the test only on one used sample tube and tube
A at a time.
You will be required to perform oil acidity tests on
series 9000 (diesel) oils. You will normally conduct the
3. Use the end buttons to lift the three rod markers
oil acidity test at least every 24 hours of engine operation
to 100 on the scale. Do not let your fingers touch
or once a week, whichever is more frequent. To perform
the rods. Set the comparator aside for at least 10
this test, use the following steps:
minutes to equalize the temperatures.
1. Remove the reaction vial from the test kit and
4. Run rods A and 1 up and down in their tubes at
fill it to the 25-mL mark with the preprepared
least twice. Looking squarely at the markers and
reaction indicator solution.
the start line, set the markers of rods A and 1 at
2. Add the engine oil to raise the liquid level to the
the start line. Place the rod of the other sample
40-mL level.
tube in the down position.
3. Screw on the top and shake the vial vigorously
5. Push in the reset button. Start the rods down by
for 15 seconds.
pushing and holding the release button. Then
4. Allow the reaction vial to stand for 5 to 10
release the button when one of the rod markers
minutes until the oil and indicator separate.
reaches 100 on the scale.