standard for your reading. Refer to the next table
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until the volume of water
to find the volume correction factor. Take the
and sediment in each tube is the same (for that
volume correction factor and multiply it with the
tube) for two consecutive readings. (You can
amount of fuel volume in the tank you are
usually obtain these readings within four
testing. The result should provide you with the
actual weight or volume of the sampled fuel
Your readings will indicate a direct percentage of
according to the industrial standard and should
water and sediment. (You will not have to make
represent the actual weight of the fuel your ship
conversions because you are using 100 mL of fuel in
will receive from the non-U.S. government
each tube.) By using two tubes, you are checking the
samples against each other for accuracy, Therefore,
FLASH POINT TEST. You will use the flash
when you are determining your final reading and both
point test to determine the flash point of a fuel your ship
tubes have an equal amount of sediment and water, use
has received on board. The minimum flash point for all
only the results of one tube to record the final reading.
If the tubes should have different amounts of sediment
fuel on Navy ships is 140F (60C).
and water, add the readings of both tubes together and
For this test, you will need a closed-cup flash point
divide by 2 to get the proper total.
tester and a 90 millimeter (mm) paper filter. Use the
API GRAVITY TEST. You will use the API
following steps:
gravity test to check the actual weight (volume) of a fuel
1. Thoroughly clean and dry all parts of the cup and
that is transferred to your ship from a non-U.S.
its accessories. Make sure there are no traces of
government supply source. This test will allow your ship
cleaning solvent on the unit or its accessories.
to have a more accurate account of the actual amount of
2. Filter the fuel sample through the filter paper to
fuel your ship will receive.
remove all traces of water.
For this test, you will use a clear, smooth glass
3. Fill the test cup with the fuel sample to the level
container, a stirrer that will reach the bottom of the
indicated as the filling mark. Place the lid on the
container, a hydrometer, a temperature standard of 60F
(15.5C), and the conversion charts in NSTM, chapter
541, "Petroleum Stowage, Use, and Testing." Use the
4. Set the cup in the oven. Be sure you have the
following steps:
locking device properly engaged. Insert the
1. Fill the container with a fuel sample. Make
certain the temperature of the fuel sample is
5. Light the test flame and adjust it to 5/32 inch (4
approximately the same as the temperature of
mm) in diameter. Adjust the oven heat so the rate
the surrounding air.
of temperature rise for the fuel (as indicated by
the thermometer) is 9F (5C) to 11F (6C) per
2. Use the stirrer to agitate the sample thoroughly.
3. Check the hydrometer to make sure it is clean,
6. Turn the stirrer 90 to 120 rpm in a downward
dry, and at about the same temperature as your
direction. Now, turn the stirring unit off before
fuel sample. Gently lower the hydrometer into
you continue to the next step.
the fuel sample, release it, and allow it to sink
into the sample slightly beyond the point where
7. Making sure the temperature of the sample is not
it floats naturally. Allow the rise and fall of the
any higher than 30F (17C) below the expected
sample to cease and the hydrometer to reach
flash point, use the cover mechanism that
controls the shutter and test flame burner to
lower the test flame into the fuel cup. (Lower the
4. Read the scale. Make certain your eyes are on
flame into the vapor space of the cup in 0.5
the same level as the surface of the sample. Read
second, leave the flame in its lowered position
the hydrometer scale at the point that appears to
for 1 second, and quickly raise it back up.)
coincide with the top of the sample.
Reapply the test flame at every 2F (1.1C)
5. Convert your reading to the petroleum industrial
standard of 60F (15.5C) by referring to the
8. When the test flame causes a distinct "flash" in
conversion tables in NSTM chapter 541. Use one
the cup, record the temperature indicated. Do not
table to find the corresponding industrial