Table 1-2 lists, by calendar and operating time,
the periodic inspections to be performed in the
interest of efficient operation.
A clean test stand not only looks neat but it
gives better service. A clean stand is essential if
leaks are to be located in a timely manner. All
external parts of the test stand must be cleaned
with oxygen systems cleaning compound Mil-
C-81302, Type 1.
When you clean the test stand, be sure the test
adapters and connection hoses stored in the ac-
cessory tray are also cleaned.
If the front panel of the test stand must be
removed for any reason, you must ensure that all
gage tester surfaces are free from dust and any
other foreign matter. The best way to clean these
surfaces is to use clean, low-pressure dry air
(about 10 psi is recommended). To clean the
interconnecting piping, hoses, and fittings on the
test stand, you should use clean, dry air pressure
n o t t o e x c e e d 1 6 0 p s i g.
Type 1 Freon is recommended for cleaning the
terminals of the Liquid Oxygen Quantity Gage
Tester (capacitor type) test stand.
The bell jar on the 59A120 test stand has a
sealing O-ring. This O-ring must be cleaned with
distilled water and lubricated with alight coat of
lubricant Mil G 27617.
Table 1-2.Periodic Inspection Chart