beginning with the 0-to-150-lpm flow element
(FLM-4), proceed as follows:
1. Using hose assembly 3 (figure 1-5), con-
nect the top connection of the 500-to-750-mm
calibration kit flowmeter 9 (figure 4-4) to test
stand flow element connection NIP-4. Using hose
assembly 6 (figure 1-5), connect the bottom con-
nection of the calibration kit flowmeter to bell jar
base coupling C-1.
2. Set flowmeter selector valve V-1 to the
0-to-150-lpm position. Ensure system bleed valve
V-5 is closed.
NOTE: Flows used shall be taken from the
mm column of the calibration correction cards.
This previously completed column contains flows
in millimeters (mm) equivalent to corresponding
lpm flows.
3. Using oxygen supply valve V-6, set the
flow equivalent to 150 lpm (from correction card
number 4) on the 500-to-750-mm calibration kit
flow element. The flow, in inches H2O, will be
displayed on flowmeter indicator PG-2. Enter this
reading in the indicated in. H2O c o l u m n of
correction card number 4 opposite the actual mm
flow being drawn.
4. Reduce the flow to the next millimeter
reading by adjusting oxygen supply valve V-6.
Repeat step 3. Continue in this manner until all
flows on correction card number 4 have been
5. Close oxygen supply valve V-6 and discon-
nect the hose and the calibration kit flowmeter
from the test stand.
NOTE: Hose assembly 3 (figure 1-5) and hose
assembly 6 are used in calibrating all linear flow
6 . C o n n e c t t h e t o p c o n n e c t i o n o f t he
250-to-500-mm calibration kit flowmeter to test
stand flow element connection NIP-3; connect the
bottom connection to bell jar base coupling C-1.
Rotate flowmeter selector valve V-1 to the
0-to-50-lpm position. Ensure system bleed valve
V-5 is closed.
7. Repeat procedures outlined in steps 3
through 5, using flows given on correction card
number 5.
8 . C o n n e c t t h e t o p c o n n e c t i o n o f t he
125-to-250-mm calibration kit flowmeter to test
stand flow element connection NIP-2; connect the
bottom connection to bell jar coupling C-1.
Rotate flowmeter selector valve V-1 to the
0-to-1.0-lpm position. Ensure system bleed valve
V-5 is closed.
9. Repeat procedures outlined in steps 3
through 5, using flows given on correction card
number 6.
1 0 . C o n n e c t t h e t o p c o n n e c t i o n o f t he
0-to-125-mm calibration kit flowmeter to test
stand flow element connection NIP-1; connect the
bottom connection to bell jar base coupling C-1.
Rotate flowmeter selector valve V-1 to the
0.0-to-0.25-lpm position. Ensure system bleed
valve V-5 is closed.
11. Repeat procedures outlined in steps 3
through 5, using flows given on correction card
number 7.
12. Disconnect hoses 3 and 6 (figure 1-5) from
the calibration kit and test stand. Close oxygen
supply cylinder valve V-6 and open system bleed
valve V-5 to bleed the test stand. Secure all test
stand valves.
A properly working test stand will give you
outstanding results while testing oxygen con-
verters. As with any test stand, a small leak in
your plumbing system will give you inaccurate
readings and may cause you to think you have
a defective converter or component. Some parts
on the 59A120 test stand must be corrected when
they become defective by the on-site meteorology
calibration team. You might have a gage that has
a pointer which isnt zeroed, or you might have
a flow element that consistently reads low. You
could also have a gage that provides correct
readings over only part of the scale. In such cases,
you will need the calibration teams assistance to
repair the component.
Upon completion of any maintenance action,
you will be required to fill out a Ground Support
Equipment Subcustody and Periodic Maintenance
Record (OPNAV 4790/50) and a Ground Support
Equipment Custody and Maintenance Record
(OPNAV 4790/51).
The following problems may occur within
your test stand; you, as a senior PR, will be
r e q u i r e d t o f i x t h e m . R e f e r t o N A V A IR
17-15BC-20 for parts removal and replacement.
PG-1 Reads Low
The 0-160 psig pressure gage is used to indicate
pressure applied to an item under test. Anytime