4. Using applicable graphs, repeat steps 1
through 3 for all actual flows given on correction
cards 4 through 7.
5. Indicated flows (in. H2O) are entered on
the cards when you calibrate the test stand.
Differential Pressure Gage (DF-1)
To prepare the differential pressure gage
(DF-1) correction card, refer to figure 1-1 in the
following steps:
1. Close system bleed valve V-5 and open the
o x y g e n s u p p l y c y l i n d e r v a l v e . C o n n e ct
precision-0-to-100-in. H2O low-pressure gage 6
(figure 1-3) to bell jar bottom coupling C-1. Open
differential pressure shutoff valve V-8.
NOTE: Correction cards will be completed at
this time.
2. Slowly open oxygen supply valve V-6
u n t i l 1 0 0 i n . H2 O i s i n d i c a t e d o n t h e
precision-0-to-100-in. H2O low-pressure gage.
Compare this gage with the reading displayed on
differential pressure gage DF-1.
3. Enter the difference (if any) in the indicated
in. H2O column of correction card number 1.
4. Slowly open system bleed valve V-5 to
r e d u c e t h e p r e s s u r e i n d i c a t i o n o n t he
precision-0-to-100-in. H2O low-pressure gage.
Reduce pressure in 20-in. H2O increments. Enter
the corrective differential (if any) at each interval
on the correction card.
5. When all entries have been made on the
correction card, close oxygen supply valve V-6 and
differential pressure shutoff valve V-8.
6. Open system bleed valve V-5 and bleed the
system. Disconnect the precision-0-to-100-in. H2O
low-pressure gage.
Test Pressure Gage (PG-1)
To prepare the test pressure gage (PG-1) cor-
rection card, proceed as follows:
1. Connect precision-0-to-200-psig pressure
gage 4 (figure 1-3) to bell jar bottom coupling C-1.
Figure 1-3.Pressure Gage Calibration Kit.