Close system bleed valve V-5, and open test
pressure gage to bell jar valve V-2.
2. Open oxygen supply valve V-6 until 160
psig registers on the precision-0-to-200-psig
pressure gage; then close valve V-6.
3 . C o m p a r e t h e p r e c i s i o n - 0 - t o - 2 0 0 - p s ig
pressure gage reading with pressure registered on
test pressure gage PG-1. Enter the corrective
differential (if any) in the indicated psig column
of test stand correction card number 2.
4. Slowly open system bleed valve V-5 to
r e d u c e t h e p r e s s u r e r e g i s t e r e d o n t h e
precision-0-to-200-psig pressure gage. Enter the
corrective differential (if any) at each specified
pressure on the test stand correction card.
5. After all correction card entries have been
completed, close system bleed valve V-5 and
oxygen supply valve V-6.
Low-Pressure Test Gage (PG-4)
To prepare a low-pressure test gage (PG-4)
correction card, proceed as follows:
1. With precision-0-to-200-psig test gage 4
(figure 1-3) still attached to bell jar bottom
coupling C-1, open oxygen supply valve V-6
until 7.5 psig is indicated on the precision-0-
to-200-psig test gage. The pointer of low-pressure
test gage PG-4 should be at midscale. If the
pointer is not at midscale, adjust by turning the
adjustment screw on the back of the gage.
2. Slowly open oxygen supply valve V-6
until 14 psig registers on the precision-0-to-200-
psig test gage; then close oxygen supply valve V-6.
Compare the reading with the indication on
low-pressure test gage PG-4. Enter the corrective
differential (if any) in the indicated psig column
of test stand correction card number 3.
3. Slowly open system bleed valve V-5 and
r e d u c e t h e p r e s s u r e i n d i c a t e d o n t h e
precision-0-to-200-psig pressure test gage in 2-psig
increments. At each increment, enter the correc-
tive differential (if any) on the test stand correc-
tion card.
4. After all correction card entries have been
completed, ensure oxygen supply valve V-6 is
closed; then open system bleed valve V-5 and close
test-pressure-gage-to-bell-jar valve V-2. Remove
the precision-0-to-200-psig test gage from bell jar
base coupling C-1.
Linear Flow Elements (FLM-4),
(FLM-3), (FLM-2), and (FLM-1)
To prepare the linear flow element correction
cards, place the Flowmeter Calibration Kit (shown
in figure 1-4) on the test stand counter top; then
Figure 1-4.Flowmeter Calibration Kit.