Aircrew survival equipment training, 5-1 to
sea survival, 5-1 to 5-29
flotation, 5-2 to 5-20
life preservers, 5-3 to 5-12
life rafts, 5-12 to 5-20
rescue devices and procedures, 5-20
to 5-23
rescue hook, 5-21
rescue strop (unassisted rescue),
5-22 to 5-23
rescue swimmers harness (swim-
mer-assisted rescue), 5-21 to
rescue strop (horse collar) (swim-
mer-assisted rescue), 5-23 to 5-27
forest penetrator, 5-23 to 5-24
forest penetrator with flotation
collar (swimmer-assisted res-
cue), 5-24
rescue net, 5-25 to 5-26
rescue net (swimmer-assisted,
single rescue), 5-26 to 5-27
rescue seat, 5-24 to 5-25
rescue seat (swimmer-assisted
rescue), 5-25
search and rescue (SAR) communi-
cation, 5-27 to 5-29
handsignals, 5-29
radios, 5-27 to 5-29
survival, 5-30 to 5-42
arctic survival, 5-30 to 5-32
shelter, 5-30 to 5-31
signaling, 5-31
water problems, 5-31 to 5-32
desert survival, 5-32 to 5-34
clothing, 5-33
food, 5-33
hazards, 5-32
shelter, 5-33
travel, 5-33 to 5-34
Aircrew survival equipment training-Continued
fire making, 5-34 to 5-37
burning aircraft fuel, 5-36
burning glass, 5-36
electric spark, 5-36
fire making with matches and
lighter, 5-35
fire making with special equip-
ment, 5-35
fire making without matches,
flint and steel, 5-35 to 5-36
friction, 5-36
kindling and fuel, 5-35
preparing a fireplace, 5-35
useful hints, 5-36 to 5-37
land survival, 5-30
survival self-treatment first aid,
5-37 to 5-42
control of bleeding, 5-38
control of pain, 5-38
control of shock, 5-38 to 5-39
distinguishing characteristics of
poisonous snakes, 5-40 to 5-41
exposure, 5-41 to 5-42
foot care, 5-37, to 5-38
health and hygiene, 5-37
intestinal illnesses, 5-37
restoration of breathing, 5-38
symptoms of shock, 5-39
treatment of shock, 5-39 to 5-40
tropic survival, 5-34
clothing, 5-34
food and water, 5-34
hazards, 5-34
shelter, 5-34
Altitude sensing system, 2-11
Arctic survival, 5-30 to 5-32