Sewing machine repairContinued
disassembly and reassembly of the
111 W 155 sewing machineContinued
thread take-up lever, driving
stud, 4-23
throat plate, 4-25
vibrating pressure foot, 4-23
reassembly, 4-27 to 4-31
alternating presser driving rock-
shaft, 4-29
arm cap, 4-31
arm shaft, 4-28
arm shaft connection belt pulley
position screw, 4-29
arm shaft pulley and arm shaft
connection belt, 4-29
balance wheel, 4-29
balance wheel adjusting screw,
bell crank, 4-30
bobbin-case opener, 4-27
faceplate, 4-31
feed indicator disc, 4-29
feed-driving connection and
feed-driving crank, 4-27
feed-driving eccentric, 4-28
feed-driving rockshaft, 4-28
feed-lifting eccentric, 4-28
front presser bar connecting link,
hook saddle assembly, 4-27
hook saddle screw, 4-27
hook-driving gear, 4-28
hook-driving shaft, 4-27
hook-driving shaft lock ratchet,
knee lifter lifting lever, 4-31
knee lifter lifting lever hinge
screw, 4-31
needlebar connecting link, 4-29
needlebar rock frame assembly,
needlebar rock frame rockshaft,
presser bar, 4-30
presser bar position guide, 4-30
presser bar spring, 4-30
presser-lifting eccentric, 4-29
presser-lifting eccentric con-
nection link, 4-28
safety clutch pulley, 4-28
take-up lever, 4-29
take-up lever driving stud,
Sewing machine repairContinued
disassembly and reassembly of the
111 W 155 sewing machineContinued
thread take-up lever hinge stud,
thread tension release lever rod,
Shelter, 5-30 to 5-31
Shock, 5-38 to 5-40
control of, 5-38 to 5-39
symptoms, 5-39
treatment, 5-39 to 5-40
Signaling, 5-31
Singer sewing machines 31-15, 331K1, and
CONSEW C-30, 4-11 to 4-21
Supply nitrogen system, 2-2 to 2-4
Survival, 5-30 to 5-42
Survival self-treatment first aid, 5-37 to 5-42
Swimmer-assisted rescue, 5-21 to 5-22
111 W 155 sewing machine, 4-1 to 4-11
adjustments, 4-8 to 4-11
cleaning and oiling, 4-2 to 4-3
preventive maintenance, 4-2
timing the 111 W 155 machine, 4-3
to 4-8
troubleshooting, 4-11
rescue net (single rescue), 5-26 to 5-27
rescue seat, 5-25
rescue strop (horse collar), 5-23 to 5-27
rescue swimmers harness, 5-21 to 5-22
Singer sewing machines 31-15, 331K1,
and CONSEW C-30, 4-11 to 4-21
preventive maintenance, 4-17
timing and adjustments, 4-17 to 4-21
adjusting the feed dog height,
centering the feeding action,
setting side play of feed dogs,
setting the presser bar, 4-20
to 4-21
timing the feed-driving eccentric,
timing the needle with the
shuttle, 4-18 to 4-19
Test pressure gage (PG-1), 1-6 to 1-7
Test stand, the 59A120, 1-1 to 1-11
Timing and adjustments, sewing machines,
4-17 to 4-21