Pressurizing the rotameter systems, 2-7 to 2-8
Pressurizing the supply nitrogen system, 2-4
Preventive maintenance, sewing machines, 4-17
Radios, 5-27 to 5-29
Rafts, life, 5-12 to 5-20
Regulated big-pressure system, 2-4 to 2-5
Regulated low-pressure nitrogen system, 2-6
Repairing and replacing parts, test stand
Replacing safety discs and washers on inflation
valves, 3-13
Rescue devices and procedures, 5-20 to 5-23
Rescue hook, 5-21
Rescue strop (unassisted rescue), 5-22 to 5-23
Rescue swimmers harness (swimmer-assisted
rescue), 5-21 to 5-22
Restoration of breathing, 5-38
Rotameter system, 2-7
Running gear assembly, 3-7 to 3-8
Safety disc, 3-10
SAR communication, 5-27 to 5-29
Sea survival, 5-1 to 5-29
Seat, rescue, 5-24 to 5-25
Service and operational instructions, 3-8
Sewing machine repair, 4-1 to 4-37
disassembly and reassembly of the
111 W 155 sewing machine, 4-21 to
disassembly, 4-21 to 4-27
alternating presser foot, 4-22
arm cap, 4-21
arm shaft, 4-24 to 4-25
arm shaft connection belt, 4-24
arm shaft connection belt pulley
position screw, 4-24
balance wheel, 4-24
balance wheel adjusting screw,
bobbin-case opener, 4-27
faceplate, 4-21
feed bar, 4-26
feed dog, 4-26
feed indicator disc, 4-24
feed-driving connection, 4-26
feed-driving crank, 4-26
feed-driving eccentric, 4-26
feed-driving rockshaft crank, 4-25
Sewing machine repair-Continued
disassembly and reassembly of the
111 W 155 sewing machineContinued
feed-driving rockshaft, 4-25
feed-driving rockshaft stop
collars, 4-25
feed-lifting cam fork, 4-25
feed-lifting eccentric, 4-26
hook saddle assembly, 4-27
hook saddle screw, 4-27
hook-driving gear, 4-26
hook-driving shaft, 4-27
hook-driving shaft and attached
parts, 4-26
hook-driving shaft lock ratchet,
knee lifter lifting lever, 4-21
knee lifter lifting lever hinge
screw, 4-21
needlebar crank, 4-24
needlebar crank friction washer,
needlebar connecting link, 4-23
needlebar connecting link oil
guard, 4-23
needlebar connecting link stud,
needlebar rock frame assembly,
needlebar rock frame hinge stud,
needlebar rock frame position
bracket, 4-23
needlebar rock frame rockshaft,
needlebar rock frame rockshaft
crank and connection, 4-25
presser bar lifting bracket, 4-22
to 4-23
presser bar lifting releasing lever
bracket guide screw, 4-22
presser bar position guide, 4-22
presser bar position guide lever,
presser bar spring, 4-22
presser bar spring bracket, 4-22
presser bar spring support screw,
presser-lifting bell crank, 4-22
presser-lifting eccentric, the, 4-24
safety clutch pulley, 4-26
take-up lever hinge stud, 4-23
tension release rod, 4-23
thread take-up lever, 4-23