FLAP, CORNEROne of the small,
rectangular cloth tabs that are part of the
container side flaps and act as protection and
reinforcement of the container corners when the
parachute is packed.
FLAP, ENDA cloth extension on the short
sides of the container base that folds over to
enclose the canopy. One of the end flaps is usually
designed as the ripcord end flap.
FLAP, SIDEA cloth extension on each of
the long sides of the container base, which folds
over and encloses the canopy. Each side flap is
designated according to the fittings it carries; for
example, locking cone side flaps or grommet side
FLARINGThe process of opening or
widening; for example, the method of splitting,
taping, and stitching the ends of webbing in order
to widen and prevent it from slipping through an
FLOAT, MULTIPLEA place in cloth
where a series of floats extend 3/16 inch or more.
FLOAT, SINGLEA place in cloth where a
filling or warp yarn extends unbound over the
pick(s) with which it should be interlaced.
FOLDERA device used as an attachment
to a sewing machine to guide and fold cloth.
used to stiffen and hold the container in shape.
condition in which short lengths or pieces of
thread or yarn protrude from surface of
suspension line.
FREEZING POINTTemperature at which
a given liquid substance will solidify or freeze
upon removal of heat. Freezing point of water is
32°F (0°C).
FULLIn reference to oxygen cylinders, a
full oxygen cylinder is a cylinder that is pressurized
to its rated pressure. With respect to a high-
-pressure oxygen cylinder, 1800 psig is considered
FUNCTIONAL TESTA test that puts an
item to use to determine if it operates properly.
GAPLAbbreviation for Group Assembly
Parts List. The GAPL, a section of the Illus-
trated Parts Breakdown, shows how major
assemblies are dissembled into assemblies and
detail parts.
GOREThat portion of the canopy located
between two adjacent radial seams and the vent
and skirt hem. It consists of cloth sections sewn
GROMMETA metal eye and washer used
to reinforce a hole in material; for example,
grommets on container side flaps.
H20Abbreviation for water.
HANDLE, RIPCORDThe handle secured
to the ripcord cable and retained in a pocket
located on the harness or container. Pulling of
the handle begins the process of parachute
opening. Often referred to as hand-pull or grip.
HARNESSAn arrangement of webbing
straps used to attach a parachute to the
aircrewman. The harness serves as a sling to
support the aircrewman during descent.
assembly used with attachable, chest-type
carrying member of the harness. Formed by two
lengths of webbing, it is routed from the shoulder
adapters or D-rings down across the seat, up the
side ending at the opposite adapters or D-rings.
HEAT EXCHANGERApparatus in which
heat is exchanged from one fluid to another.
HEAVY BAR OR PLACEAn area on cloth
where pick count varies from normal count. See
also PICK.
HEMA border or reinforced edge formed
by folding cloth back and securing it, usually by
sewing; for example, vent and skirt hem of a
parachute canopy.
HgAbbreviation for mercury.
warp and/or filling threads broken at the same