HOOK, PACKINGA special hook used
to draw suspension lines into place in hesitater
HOOK, TENSIONHooks used to retain the
connector links during parts of the packing
ripcord and housing that can be extended
approximately 4 inches to accommodate the
addition of a raft kit to the seat-type parachute
HOUSING, RIPCORDA flexible steel tube
encasing the ripcord cable used to protect against
accidental release of damage and to serve as a
cable guide. Integrated ripcord assembly housings
are constructed of vinyl-coated flexible tubing.
IN.Abbreviation for inches.
INDAbbreviation for indicated.
IN. H20Abbreviation for inches of water
column (27.68 in. H20 equals 1.0 psi equals 2.036
in. Hg). See also IN. Hg.
IN. HgAbbreviation for inches of mercury
column. (0.07349 in. Hg equals 1.0 in. H2O) See
also IN. H2O.
INNER COREFive to nine internal yarns
(number depending on type) for suspension lines
that are covered by a woven sleeve or casing.
INSPECTIONA close examination for
damage, wear, and dirt. Also, regularly scheduled
examination of parachute assemblies. See also
KEEPERSmall strip of tape or loop used
to retain an object; for example, riser and back
pad keepers.
KIASKnots indicated air speed.
KICKPLATEA platform on the NES-8B
parachute container that serves as a firm place for
the pilot parachute to spring from during opening.
KIT BAG, FLYERSA container made of
canvas or nylon and reinforced with webbing,
usually with a slide fastener opening. It is used
to carry the parachute and its accessories.
KNOT, BINDERThe simplest method of
joining two threads or lines. The two ends are
placed side by side and a simple, overhand knot
is then tied in both lines simultaneously. It will
not slip when drawn tightly. Also called a thumb
KNOT, BOWLINEA knot formed by
making a small overhand loop a desired distance
from the end of the line. The end of the line is
then passed through the loop from the underside
of the main part of the line and back through the
small loop. When this knot is drawn tight, it will
not slip but still can be easily untied.
KNOT, CLOVE-HITCHA knot formed by
making one turn around a post, bringing the end
across the line, continuing around the post a
second time, and passing the end under the second
loop. Used to tie suspension lines to connector
KNOT, HALF-HITCHA knot formed by
passing a cord or line around an object, then
passing the free end around the main part of the
cord and bringing the free end up through the loop
thus formed. It is used to finish the tying of the
suspension lines to the connector link and in
forming safety ties.
KNOT, LARKS HEADA knot formed
around an attachment ring or bar by passing the
free ends of the line around the bar or though the
ring and then through a loop or bight in the line.
This knot is used to attach pilot parachute
connector straps.
KNOT, OVERHANDA simple knot tied in
the end of a line by forming a loop and passing
the end over and down through the loop.
KNOT, SQUAREA knot formed bypassing
the end of the cord in the left hand over and under
the end in the right hand, and then reversing the
process by passing the end in the right hand over
and under the one in the left hand.
KNOT, SURGEONSThe surgeons knot is
similar to the square knot, except that the first
overhand tie is wrapped twice around the cord or
LBAbbreviation for pounds.
LIFT WEBSThe parts of parachute harness
webbing or riser that extends from the connector