a procurement source in accordance with
cataloging handbooks H4-1 and H4-2, Federal
Supply Codes for Manufacturers.
MARGINThe space from the outer row of
stitching to the edge of the fold of cloth.
MILDEWA damaging fungus or mold that
forms on cloth and leather. It is caused by
dampness and the absence of fresh air and
MIS-PICKAn extra or incorrectly posi-
tioned filling thread.
MISSING PICKA filling yarn (pick) wholly
or partially missing.
stitches in the same row in which there is no
MMAbbreviation for millimeters.
NAMEPLATEA label attached to
equipment, giving data as to type, model number,
date of manufacture, date placed in service, etc.
The stenciled gore on a canopy is called the
nameplate gore.
N E E D L E D A M A G E W h e r e n e e d le
penetration has damaged threads in the cloth.
NOTEAn informative item. The note may
precede or follow the step or item to which it
OVEREDGEStitching around the outer
edge of cloth to prevent the edges from raveling
or fraying.
OVERFOLDAn excess of material causing
edge of inner fold to double, wrinkle or pleat.
OVERLAPTo extend over and cover apiece
of cloth.
OVERLAP, COREThe overlapping of an
incoming and outgoing suspension line inner core
PACKTo put together compactly; to store
neatly; for example, the act of packing a
parachute consists of stowing suspension lines and
canopy in the container assembly in such a way
as to ensure safe storage and proper opening of
the parachute assembly.
PACK ASSEMBLYA rigged and packed
parachute. See also CONTAINER.
PACKING BOARDA tool used to tension
suspension lines with the anti-squid lines attached
to the connector links. Basically it consists of a
board and two large spools.
PACKING TRAYThe suspension line
stowage assembly on the NES-8B parachute
assembly. It is a cloth-covered board with
hesitater tubes attached. After stowage of
suspension lines, the container is moved up
around the tray. The tray is then secured by bolts,
which pass through the bottom of the container.
PAD, BACKA pad attached to the inside
of the parachute harness to provide comfort.
PALM, SEWINGA hand protector that is
used when sewing.
PANEL, END SCOOPA scoop-shaped
cloth pocket attached to the bottom of the LW-3B
parachute assembly in place of an end flap.
PARACHUTEA device that offers
resistance to the air, thereby decreasing the
velocity of a descending body to permit landing
at a suitable rate of descent.
including the canopy assembly,
container assembly, harness assembly, and
riser/lift web assembly.
parachute assembly, such as T-10 or NES-15A,
that has its container opening device attached to
the aircraft or ejection seat by a static line.
that is worn on the back to allow the wearer
freedom of movement; for example, the NB-6
parachute assembly.
PARACHUTE, CARGOA parachute used
to air drop materials such as food, water,
explosives, clothing, weapons, and supplies.
chute that is attached to D-rings on the chest-type