links to the shoulder adapters, D-rings, or quick-
release fitting.
LINE, ANTI-SQUIDA line attaching two
suspension line connector links to canopy vent
lines on some parachute assemblies. The anti-
squid lines are shorter than suspension lines and
prevent the main canopy from squidding by
bearing the load of the drogue parachute until
the main canopy is fully opened. See also
LINE, DROGUE LINKA line connecting
the withdrawal line to the drogue parachute on
MBEU systems that do not employ a guillotine.
The drogue link line contains a slide disconnect
pin, which will separate the line and withdrawal
line in case of manual parachute actuation.
Baker patent improved anti-squid line, also called
a pull down vent line. See LINE, ANTI-SQUID.
LINE, STATICA line used to open a
parachute assembly without the necessity of
pulling a ripcord manually. A static line is
attached to the ripcord manually. A static line is
attached to the ripcord and the aircraft or ejection
seat. When the line becomes taut, it withdraws
the ripcord locking pins or deployment bag. The
parachute then opens.
LINE, SUSPENSIONNylon cords that
connect the canopy of the parachute to the harness
LINE, TOGGLEOne or more parachute
lines that run from a slot or orifice in a steerable
canopy to the harness, providing steerability.
When such lines are under tension during
parachute opening or descent, they are classified
as suspension lines.
LINE, VENTNylon cord that crosses the
vent opening of a canopy.
LINE, WITHDIL%WALA line connecting
the stabilizer drogue on the ejection seat to the
locking pins and canopy vent on the NES-8B and
MBEU parachute assemblies. The line opens the
container and withdraws the canopy during
normal ejection operation.
LINE, CONNECTORA small, releasable,
rectangular metal fitting used to connect the lift
webs and suspension lines.
LINENylon webbing with loops sewn in both
ends. The withdrawal line connector link attaches
the withdrawal line to the apex of the canopy and
large loop in shortened anti-squid line.
LOCK, RIPCORD PINThe ripcord pin
lock is used in conjunction with the ripcord pin
pull test. The lock is designed in such a manner
as to allow initial movement of the ripcord pins,
but does not permit them to totally disengage.
LOCKSTITCHA common sewing-machine
stitch formed when the thread in the needle goes
through the material and connects with the bobbin
thread. The needle and bobbin thread should lock
in the center of the material thickness. (Reference
Federal Standard 751, Type 301.)
LONG BARA long metallic or wooden bar
used in parachute packing and used as an aid in
closing a parachute container.
LOOPA warp or filling thread pulled out
to form a loop on a cloth surface.
LOOP, HESITATOROne of a series of
webbing or tape loops that holds suspension lines
in an orderly position in the container when the
parachute is packed, and that pays the lines out
in sequence for orderly deployment of the canopy
L O O P , L O C K I N G A l o o p s e w n to
deployment bag or canopy to allow full extension
of suspension lines before opening the canopy.
LOOP, RETAININGWebbing or tape loop
used to hold folded lines or excess webbing in
LOOSE STITCHESThread that does not lie
smoothly on the surface of the cloth.
LOXAbbreviation for liquid oxygen.
LPMAbbreviation for liters per minute.
LUMPAn internal imperfection of a
suspension line that feels hard to the touch. It is
usually caused by internal knots in core yams or
casings, or by slippage or displacement of one or
more inner core yams near an overlap.
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