2-8.What manual gives you informationon the cartridge servicelife/total life?1.NAVAIR 11-100-1.12.NAVAIR 11-37103.NAVAIR 11-13-1-6.94.NAVAIR 11-10-1002-9.Maintenance on any automaticripcord release assembly inservice must be performed at whattimes?1.Every other time itsparachute assembly isrepacked2.Only at the original issueinspection3.Every time its parachuteassembly is repacked4.Every third time itsparachute assembly isrepacked2-10.What is the first step inperforming the normal inspectionand maintenance on an automaticripcord release?1.Remove the aneroid2.Disarm it3.Remove the power cable4.Remove the sear2-11.All cover and power cablehousings and the receiver andbarrel assemblies have a serialnumber.If you find that aserial number for the coverhousing has the same serialnumber as the receiver assembly,you should report this finding onan Unsatisfactory MaterialCondition Report.1.True2.False2-12.When inspecting the leaf springsyou find that the tamper dot onthe retaining screw is missing.You must torque the screw to whatvalue?1. 10to 12inch-pounds2. 12to 14inch-pounds3.14 1/2 to 15 1/2 inch-pounds4. 15to 16inch-pounds2-13.When you inspect the Teflongasket seal, in what positionshould the cup side be facing?1.The piston2.Away from the piston3.The aneroid seal4.The aneroid detector2-14.The automatic parachute ripcordrelease test set has a testchamber that can withstand avacuum equivalent to whataltitude?1.20,000 feet2.30,000 feet3.40,000 feet4.50,000 feet2-15.Before using the test set, youmust ensure it has what altimeterbarometric pressure reading?1.29.29 inches2.29.87 inches3.29.90 Inches4.29.92 inches2-16.To test the firing of theautomatic ripcord release, youmust use a dummy cartridge;failure to use this cartridge mayresult in damage to the1.firing pin2.arming pin3.firewall4.gasket seal2-17.If you were going to test aripcord release that is set tofire at 14,000±1,000 feet, youwould run the test chamber towhat altitude?1.15,000 feet2.16,000 feet3.18,000 feet4.25,000 feet2-18.By using the descent toggle, thetest chamber will simulate adescent of how many feet persecond?1.100 to 1502.150 to 2003.175 to 2004.200 to 2508
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