Figure 9-42.-Consew 99R.
CONSEW 99R and 99R-3
The Navy has recently acquired new model
zigzag sewing machines (fig. 9-42), model
99R-3 is not shown, capable of the rope
sewing needed to install the four-line release
system. Two models are available-the 99R
and the 99R-3. Both models are rotary hook-
type machines. They are fairly conventional
machines, and the operation of both is very
similar to that of the machines we have already
Models 99R and 99R-3 machines are iden-
tical in outward appearance; the difference
is in the type of stitch they make. In model
99R, every successive stitch forms a sym-
metrical zigzag pattern stitch, type 304. In
model 99R-3, a
by successive pairs
Threading the 99R
zigzag pattern
of stitches, type
is formed
and 99R-3 Machines
Follow the instructions below when threading
the needle and bobbin on the 99R and 99R-3
sewing machines:
1. Turn the balance wheel toward you until
you are able to position the needle so you can
place the thread through its eye. Remember,
always thread the needle toward the bobbin. In
this case. you run the thread from front to
2. Hold the loose end of the needle thread
in your left hand, turn the hand wheel toward