Figure 10-22.Installation of a slide fastener. Step 1.
When making a bag or cover with two closed
ends, lay the piece of material right side down,
and place the slide fastener right side down on
top of the material where the opening is to be
located. Sew a row of stitches completely around
the outer edge of the tape, as shown in figure
Turn the material over. Then by feeling with
the points of a pair of scissors, cut the material
directly down the center of the chain and cut a
V at each end, as shown in figure 10-23.
Turn the edges of the material under, thus
exposing the chain. Allow sufficient space between
the chain and the folded edge of the material to
prevent the slider from rubbing the edge of the
hems. Cutting the V at each end of the chain
permits the sewing of neat, square corners. (See
figure 10-24.)
Procurement of Slide Fasteners
When requisitioning slide fasteners or slide
fastener parts through the supply system, certain
specific information is necessary: type, size, grade,
color, style or slider, and unit of issue are all part
of this information.
Figure 10-23.Installation of a slide fastener. Step 2.
Figure 10-24.Installation of a slide fastener. Step 3.