Figure 3-8.Installing suspension lines.
Rotate the gun so the slug labeled 14-13 is
Figure 3-7.Attachment of spreading gun to suspension
facing up, and loosen the screws and plate on this
slug. You will find two slots on the face of each
slug. One is closed or covered when the plate
is in place. The other is open to the side of the
slug (fig. 3-7). Place suspension line number 13
and one side of the loop of line attached to the
canopy hem in the closed slot of the slug (fig. 3-8).
Place suspension line 14 in the open slot of the
same slug.
Pass the loop around the plate and over the
suspension line in the slug. Secure the plate to the
slug with screws and ensure the suspension lines
move freely in the slots. Torque the plate screws
to 6 (plus or minus 1/2) pound-inches and apply
red tamper dot.
Secure the remainder of the suspension lines
and loops to corresponding slugs in the same
manner. Work from suspension line 12 through
1 and from line 15 through 28 (fig. 3-9).
After the above procedures are completed, you
must have a QA inspect the completed installation
of the spreading gun.
A special feature of the NES-12 parachute is
the external pilot parachute. To function properly,
Figure 3-9.Complete set of suspension lines.
the external parachute is connected to the cord
that links the internal pilot chute to the main
canopy vent lines. A special device is used to
jettison the external chute at high speeds. This
device is the override disconnect assembly, shown