Precautionary measures must be taken so papers
stored in the container will not protrude from the
drawers when they are closed, or cannot be fished out
through the cleft surrounding the drawers. One method
is the insertion of stiff cardboard, such as a file folder,
in a horizontal position above papers filed in the drawer.
Storage areas for bulky Secret or Confidential
material must have access openings secured by
GSA-approved combination padlocks or key-operated
padlocks with high security cylinders. If these storage
requirements cannot be met afloat or aboard aircraft,
Secret or Confidential material may be stored in a locked
container of substantial metal or wood construction
secured by an approved GSA combination padlock. In
this case, the area must be locked when not manned and
checked at least once every 24 hours.
New security containers should not be procured
until a physical security survey of existing equipment
and a review of classified records on hand has been
made. It might be determined that it would not be
feasible to use the equipment or to retire, return, or
declassify or destroy a sufficient volume of records
currently on hand to make the needed security storage
space available.
Only containers that have been approved by the
Federal Government as security filing equipment should
be procured. Equipment is selected from the National
Supply Schedule of the GSA following the procedures
outlined in SECNAVINST 10463.1. Modification of any
equipment that is used to store classified material is
prohibited. Exceptions to permit acquisition of
special-purpose equipment or to modify filing cabinets
to bar-padlock types suitable for storing classified
material must be requested from the CNO.
A security container records form (fig. 11-1) will
be maintained for each security container used for the
storage of classified material. The container will be
inspected each watch.
Security containers conforming to Federal
specifications bear a test certification label on the
locking drawer, attesting to the security capabilities of
the container and lock.
Nonapproved security containers are available in
many shapes and sizes; however, containers of this
type may not be used to store classified material even
though they may be equipped with manipulation-
proof or manipulation-resistant locks and have other
security and fire protection features.
Nonapproved containers used to safeguard
classified material should be replaced by an approved
GSA security container.
A security container, vault, or storeroom must be
fitted with a lock that resists opening by unauthorized
persons. Manipulation-resistant (MR) and
manipulation-proof (MP) locks are tested by the
Underwriters' Laboratory (UL) and must have the UL
label attached to the back of the lock.
Federal specifications governing the manufacture
of security containers and security vault doors require
that the unit be equipped with a top-reading
changeable combination lock that controls the locking
of the container. The top-reading design replaced the
front-reading design to provide increased protection
against the combination being ascertained by covert
viewing. Combination locks are available with two
forms of combination changing: hand or key.
Hand-changing requires removing the wheel pack and
changing the wheel to the new combination.
Key-changing requires the use of a key that is inserted
into the lock case, permitting a new combination to be
set. The type of combination lock desired should be
specified when ordering the container.
The following requirements help ensure the
effectiveness of combination locks:
1. Combinations must be changed only by
individuals having the responsibility and an
appropriate security clearance.
2. The combination will be given only to people
whose official duties demand access to the
3. The combination to a security container is
changed at the time the container is received, at
the time any person having knowledge of the
combination leaves the organization, at any time
there is reason to believe that it has been
compromised, or as a minimum every 24
In selecting combination numbers, multiples of 5,
simple ascending or descending arithmetical series,
and personal data (such as birthdates and service
numbers) should be avoided. The same combination
will not be used for more than one container in any
one component.