A squadron or unit, regardless of location, may be
required to perform intermediate- level maintenance
functions on systems and equipments unique to its
equipment or mission. The supporting ship or station
provides the squadron with materials, facilities, and
support equipment. The squadron or unit also provides
selected quantities of readily transportable material and
support equipment as organizational property.
What three levels of maintenance are used within
the Navy?
What type of maintenance does the operating unit
perform on a day-to-day basis in support of its
own operations?
What two types of maintenance are performed
within the Naval Establishment?
responsibilities and organizational structure
of organizational maintenance activities
(OMAs). Describe the responsibilities and
organiza- tional structure of intermediate
maintenance activities (IMAs).
An aircraft maintenance department supports naval
operations with upkeep on aircraft and associated
support equipment. When providing this support, the
department adheres to the organizational policies and
procedures that the NAMP prescribes.
Since all aviation maintenance activities have
similarities in mission, operation, and administration, it
is only reasonable that they be standardized in these
areas as much as possible. An aircraft maintenance
department, properly organized and administered,
should rank high in the following areas:
Performance and training of maintenance
Aircraft, equipment, and system readiness
Efficient use of resources (manpower and
Management control of the organization
Evaluation of performance
Unit combat readiness
Continuity when aircraft and maintenance
technicians are transferred between commands
The objectives of these areas cannot be met by use
of an instruction manual or by means of an
organizational structure alone. They are met by the
intelligent efforts of all naval personnel who are
engaged in maintenance tasks. Functions of an aircraft
maintenance department include the following:
Periodic maintenance and routine inspection
and servicing of aircraft, associated support
equipment, aeronautical material and compo-
nents, including the necessary disassembly,
cleaning, examination, repair, modification,
test, inspection, assembly, and preservation
Special work, when required, to comply with
technical directives or local instructions
Correction of equipment of aircraft and
equipment discrepancies
Assurance of high quality workmanship
Maintenance of required records and publica-
Maintenance and custody of tools and other
equipment that are provided to the activity for its
own use
Training of assigned personnel
Conducting maintenance and ground handling
safety programs
Submission of reports for statistical, analytical,
and historical purposes
The depth and complexity of functions vary with
the number and type of aircraft that are involved and the
maintenance level.
An organizational structure exists to help carry out
the responsibilities that are needed for mission
accomplishment. Each segment (division, branch,
section, or work center) of the organization has line or
staff responsibilities. A line relationship is a
relationship that exists between senior personnel and
their subordinates. A line relationship is a direct
supervisory relationship that involves work
assignments to subordinates. A staff relationship is a