spare parts, and material that are necessary to
accomplish the workload.
The material control work center provides material
support to the aircraft. maintenance department by
performing the following functions:
Ensures maintenance and material re-
quirements for parts and materials are forwarded
to ASD by using NALCOMIS
Establishes delivery and pickup points for the
material that is ordered, and ensures that the
material that is received is promptly routed to
the applicable work center
Establishes procedures to operate the tool room
and for tool inventories
Initiates surveys in the event of loss, damage, or
destruction of accountable items of material and
Performs certain cost and allotment record
accounting, charting, and budgeting of costs
Maintains liaison with ASD on maintenance
material matters to ensure that material needs of
the maintenance department are satisfied
Performs an inventory of aircraft upon receipt
and transfer to ensure that inventory log entries
are complete, and inventory shortages are
The material control center also maintains aircraft
inventory records. This includes the inventory of
aircraft upon receipt and transfer. For a complete list of
material control responsibilities, refer to the NAMP.
AIRCRAFT.The aircraft division coordinates
and completes scheduled (inspections) and
unscheduled maintenance on aircraft and equipment.
The aircraft division performs organizational
maintenance tasks on power plants, airframes, aviators
equipment branch, and inspection branch.
AVIONICS/ARMAMENT. The avionics/ar-
mament division performs organizational maintenance
tasks in the avionics and armament equipment on
aircraft. This division also provides technicians to the
aircraft division (inspection branch) to accomplish
scheduled maintenance (inspections) on aircraft.
LINE. The line division provides maintenance
that supports the day-to-day tasks that are involved in
flight operations. The maintenance that the line
division provides is limited to servicing and does not
involve repair of weapon systems. Daily and
turnaround inspections, oil replenishment and
sampling, minor adjustment and checkout of installed
aircraft equipment, and assumption of custody and
accountability of division support equipment (SE) are
responsibilities of the line division. The line division
also administers the plane captain assignment and
qualification program. The line division directs
troubleshooters, who are normally personnel from
work centers in other production divisions, who are
assigned to the line division.
UAV division is established when responsibilities
relative to the operation and maintenance of unmanned
aerial vehicles are extensive. The UAV division
coordinates and performs periodic maintenance,
inspection, decontamination, and rehabilitation of
recoverable UAVs.
Production Divisions
Permanently assigned aviation mechanics and
technicians maintain naval aircraft. Organizational
charts show production divisions as the lowest element,
but this is not in keeping with their level of importance.
If it were not for the production divisions, there would
be no reason for any other part of the organization.
The production elements of an OMA consist of
four divisions, as shown in figure 1-1. These divisions
maybe further subdivided into branches.
Intermediate maintenance supports and sup-
plements the work of OMAs. Intermediate
maintenance usually performs these functions in a
centrally located area for the support of operating
aircraft. These operating aircraft may be ashore, aboard
ship, or within a specific geographical area.
Since an intermediate maintenance activity (IMA)
is not assigned aircraft for operational purposes, its
efforts are concentrated in the area of testing and
repairing aircraft components.