production divisions. A division with delegatedfunctions exercises direct control of the productioneffort of its work centers. Although production controldelegates control of some of its functions, it alone isresponsible for the overall production effort of thedepartment.Material Control.—Material control coordinatesand controls the supply functions of the maintenancedepartment. This work center acts as liaison betweenthe department and the local supply activity, and itprocesses all supply and material transactions for theother divisions of the department. The material controldivision of an IMA has an aeronautical materialscreening unit (AMSU). AMSU coordinates thescreening of received materials and parts to determinestatus and repair responsibility and capability.Production DivisionsProduction divisions provide intermediatemaintenance on aircraft components and equipment forsupported activities. The standard organization of anIMA has six production divisions. IMA productiondivisions are generally manned by maintenancetechnicians of the same rating in contrast to an OMAwhere technicians of different ratings are groupedtogether into fewer divisions. A particular ratingperforms the same type of work regardless of themaintenance level at which a technician works. Forexample, ADs work on engines and related equipment,AEs on instruments and related equipment, and ATswork on avionics equipment. The difference betweenthe work of IMA production divisions and me work ofOMA production divisions lies in the greater depth ofmaintenance that an IMA performs.POWER PLANTS.—Aviation Machinist Mates(ADs) who maintain engines, modules, power plantcomponents, and associated equipment man the powerplants division.AIRFRAMES.—Aviation Structural Mechanics(AMs) are assigned to work centers in the airframesdivision. This division is responsible for its specifieddepth of maintenance for airframe and structuralcomponents, and movable structures and surfacesincluding their hydraulic and pneumatic control andactuating systems and mechanisms. The airframesdivision also maintains air conditioning, pressuriza-tion, visual improvement, oxygen, and other utilitysystems, as well as seat and canopy ejection systemsand components.AVIONICS.—The avionics division is mannedwith technicians to provide maintenance of avionicsequipment for supported activities. AviationElectrician’s Mates (AEs) maintain aircraft electricalsystems and instrument systems. Aviation ElectronicTechnicians (ATs) use conventional and automatic testequipment to maintain aviation electronic components,including repair of weapons replaceable assemblies(WRAs) and shop replaceable assembles (SRAs). ATsalso perform microminiature (2M) component repair.In addition, ATs perform test equipment qualificationand associated test bench preventive and correctivemaintenance.ARMAMENT EQUIPMENT.—Aviation Ord-nancemen (AOs) are assigned to the armamentdivision. They maintain aircraft armament and aviationordnance equipment.AVIATION LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS.—Aircrew Survival Equipment (PRs) are assigned to theaviation life support systems (ALSS) division. Thisdivision maintains parachutes, life rafts, life vests,pressure suits, oxygen masks, emergency equipmentkits, flight clothing, oxygen regulators, automaticparachute actuators, aviator’s protective helmets, andso forth.SUPPORT EQUIPMENT (SE)—The AviationSupport Equipment Technician (AS) maintains SE. SEincludes, but is not limited to, such items such as teststands, work stands, mobile electric power plants(MEPPs), and hydraulic and pneumatic servicingequipment.Q9.Q10.Q11.Who is responsible to the commanding officer forthe accomplishment of the maintenance depart-ment’s mission?Providing clerical and administrative services tothe department is a function of what work center?The prevention of the occurrence of defects is aconcept of what work center?Q12. What officer is responsible for the overallproductive effort and material support of themaintenance department?Q13. What work center in an OMA is the nerve centerof the entire maintenance department?Q14. What work center is responsible for ensuring thatparts, tools, and materials are available toproduction divisions in a timely manner?1-12
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