Ensures distribution of incoming cor-
respondence and so forth
Reproduces and distributes incoming mes-
sages and maintains a message history file by
date-time-group (DTG) for a minimum of 6
Coordinates department administrative and
security responsibilities with other departments
and divisions
Distributes nontechnical information and pub-
Maintains personnel assignment records for the
concept of QA is the prevention of the occurrence of
defects. This concept includes all events from the start
of the maintenance operation to its completion. QA is
the responsibility of all personnel. Achievement of QA
depends upon prevention, knowledge, and special
Prevention is based upon the principle that
maintenance failures should be precluded. This
principle extends to the safety of personnel, the
maintenance of equipment, and the entire maintenance
effort. Prevention is concerned with the regulation of
events rather than have events dictate maintenance.
Knowledge is derived from factual information.
Data collection and analysis is a means of acquiring this
Special skills are those skills possessed by staff
that is trained in the techniques of data analysis and
supervision of the QA program. Normally, production
personnel do not possess these skills.
The QA program provides an efficient method of
gathering, analyzing, and maintaining information on
the quality characteristics of parts and components and
nature of defects and their immediate impact on current
operations. The program permits decisions to be based
on facts rather than intuition or memory. In addition,
the QA program provides comparative data that will be
useful long after a particular event has occurred. QA is
a staff function that requires both authority and
assumption of responsibility for actions. QAs
objective is to identify problem areas so that
management can accomplish the following:
Improve the quality, uniformity, and reliability
of the total maintenance effort
Improve the work environment, tools, and
equipment that are used in the maintenance
Eliminate unnecessary man-hour and dollar
Improve training, work habits, and procedures
of maintenance personnel
Increase the excellence and value of reports and
correspondence that are originated by
maintenance personnel
Effectively disseminate technical information
Establish realistic material and equipment
requirements in support of the maintenance
Support the Naval Aviation Maintenance
Discrepancy Reporting Program (NAMDRP)
Support the foreign object damage (FOD)
The QA division consists of a relatively small
group of highly skilled maintenance personnel.
Working spaces are usually near productions division
and the maintenance control office. For a complete list
of QA division responsibilities, refer to the NAMP.
Some functions and responsibilities of the QA division
are listed below:
Maintain the central technical publications
library (CTPL) for the department, control
classified technical publications for the
department, and ensure that dispersed work
center libraries (dispersed libraries) receive
publications applicable to each work center, and
that these publications are kept current.
Review incoming technical publications and
directives to determine their applicability to the
Ensure that work guides, checklists, check
sheets, and Maintenance Requirements Cards
that define or control maintenance operations
are complete and current before issuance.
Review each engineering investigation request,
quality deficiency report (QDR), technical