relationship that exists between an advisory staff
supervisor and a production line supervisor. The
concerns of staff personnel are with administrative
service and support of the production effort.
Management in an aviation maintenance
organization is the exercise of authority and
responsibility for the performance of the mission, tasks,
and work of the maintenance department. Within an
organizational structure, the maintenance officer (MO),
with the aid of subordinate officers, is responsible for
management of the maintenance department and is
responsible to the commanding officer for
accomplishment of the departments mission. The MO
uses the guidance in directives from higher authority
when he or she directs the maintenance department.
Planning, organizing, and controlling the
production effort are management responsibilities of
the MO. Along with subordinate officers, the MO
directs subordinate divisions to comply with local and
higher authority maintenance policies and directives. In
an aviation organizational maintenance activity, the
following subordinate officers assist the MO in
management of the department:
The assistant maintenance officer (AMO) is
the assistant head of the department and assists
the MO in the administration of the maintenance
department in accordance with the NAMP. The
AMO also supervises the activities of staff
divisions (quality assurance and maintenance
The maintenance material control officer
(MMCO) exercises direct supervision over the
production divisions (aircraft, avionics/arma-
ment, and line division).
Various divisional and branch officers manage
their respective divisions and branches.
The organizational structure of a maintenance
department provides a firm line of authority from the
MO down to the technician who performs aircraft
maintenance. The major segments of the department
that report directly to the department head are called
divisions. Divisions are subdivided into branches and
branches into sections.
NOTE: In this manual, the term department is used
as a general term and applies to all aircraft maintenance
activities that have a department head.
Organizational maintenance activities (OMAs) are
the main users and operators of naval aircraft.
Therefore, most of the maintenance tasks that they
perform are in support of their own day-to-day
operations. OMAs are composed of maintenance
managers who manage staff divisions that support the
productive functions and production divisions that
perform the maintenance tasks.
Figure 1-1 is an organizational chart of a typical
organizational-level maintenance department. The
number shown in the various boxes are division and
work center codes. Work center codes identify what
shop performed what maintenance. The Maintenance
Data System uses work center codes in recording and
reporting maintenance actions. Typical work centers
include maintenance control and quality assurance.
Staff Divisions
In an OMA activity, staff divisions provide
services and support for the production divisions. They
correlate the accomplishments and progress of
production divisions. Collectively, staff divisions give
the MO a consolidated view and current status of the
overall maintenance picture. Detailed functions and
responsibilities of staff divisions are contained in the
NAMP. The quality assurance and maintenance
administration work centers are staff divisions in an
maintenance administration work center provides the
following administrative services for the department:
Prepares maintenance-related correspondence
that requires action or special attention by the
MO or higher authority
Establishes and maintains a central main-
tenance reporting and record-keeping system for
administrative reports and correspondence to
include a tickler file to ensure timely submission
of recurring reports
Implements directives that concern dis-
tribution, retention, and disposition of ad-
ministrative reports and records
Provides clerical and administrative services for
the department
Maintains a master maintenance message board
that is annotated with the action that was taken