CHAPTER 2MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATIONAs an AZ who works in the maintenanceadministration division, you will provide clerical andadministrative services in support of the maintenancedepartment. In this chapter, we will concentrate first ongeneral office procedures. As with the individualperson, office atmosphere is the product of bothphysical and mental factors.MAINTENANCE ADMINISTRATIONOVERVIEWLEARNING OBJECTIVE: Describe theresponsibilities of the maintenanceadministration division.Your duties in the maintenance administrationdivision could range from the preparation of simplememorandums to the preparation of enlistedperformance evaluations. Whatever the extent of yourduties, they are all performed under the direction of theassistant maintenance officer (AMO). Theresponsibilities of maintenance administration divisioninclude, but are not limited to, the following:Preparing maintenance-related correspondenceEstablishing a central maintenance reportingand record-keeping system for administrativereports and correspondence, which includes atickler file to aid in timely submission ofrecurring reportsMaintaining a master paper or electronicmaintenance message board of current messagesthat are annotated with the action takenMaintaining a message history file bydate-time-group (DTG) for a minimum of 6monthsDistributing nontechnical information andpublicationsReceiving, safeguarding, and distributingpersonal mail for the departmentControlling department classified materialAssigning spaces to various divisions,establishing responsibility for security andcleanliness of each space, and assumingresponsibility for the cleanliness and security ofvacant and unassigned spacesMaintaining an organizational roster board inthe absence of a manpower, personnel, andtraining (MP&T) coordinatorCoordinating department training requirementsand obtaining school quotas to supportdepartment training in the absence of an MP&TThe performance of some of these duties willdepend on whether you are stationed in anorganizational or intermediate maintenance activityand whether you are afloat or ashore. Regardless of themaintenance level that you are assigned to or whether itis located ashore or afloat, most of your duties will beperformed in a comfortable, centrally located office.You may be assigned to a small office where you areresponsible only to the division officer. Alternatively,you may be assigned to a large office where you are oneof several petty officers and strikers who work underthe supervision of a chief petty officer. In both types ofoffices, you will likely be working in close proximitywith the assistant maintenance officer (AMO) andmaintenance officer (MO). This close proximityrequires that you maintain professionalism at all times.You will also be charged with taking telephonecalls and messages and meeting and greeting visitors ofthe AMO and MO. The most important thing toremember here is that your attitude and the generalappearance of your office make an immediateimpression on customers who call or visit it. One ofyour jobs as a maintenance administration worker is tocreate a positive impression.Q1. What division maintains a master paper orelectronic maintenance message board of currentmessages that are annotated with the actiontaken?2-1
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