Q15. What level of maintenance has the primary
responsibility of supporting and supplementing
the work of OMAs?
Q16. In an IMA, what work center controls the
departments classified material?
What unit in an IMA coordinates the screening of
materials and parts to determine repair
responsibility and capability?
The objective of the Naval Aviation Maintenance
Program is the achievement and continuous
improvement of aviation material readiness and safety
through the efficient use of resources. The governing
directive of the program is the Naval Aviation
Maintenance Program (NAMP), OPNAVINST
4790.2. OPNAVINST 4790.2 has five volumes. Of
direct interest to the AZ is volume I of the NAMP,
which outlines procedures for the organizational and
the intermediate maintenance levels, and volume III of
the NAMP, which outlines the Maintenance Data
System (MDS).
Rework and upkeep are the two types of
maintenance that are performed within the Navy.
Organizational maintenance, intermediate mainte-
nance, and depot maintenance are the three levels of
maintenance that are used within the Navy.
An aviation operating unit performs daily
organizational maintenance in support of its flight
operations. The maintenance departments mission
within an aviation operating unit is to maintain
operating unit aircraft in a state of full mission
capability. The maintenance officer is responsible to
the commanding officer for accomplishing this
The maintenance administration work center
provides clerical and administrative services to the
maintenance department. The quality assurance work
center has as its objective the prevention of the
occurrence of defects in maintenance.
The maintenance material control officer is
responsible for the overall productive and material
support of the maintenance department. The
maintenance control work center in an organizational
maintenance activity (OMA) is the nerve center of the
entire maintenance department. The material control
work center in an OMA ensures that parts, tools, and
materials are always available to the production
The intermediate level of maintenance supports
and supplements the work of an OMA. In an
intermediate maintenance activity (IMA), the
maintenance administration work center controls the
departments classified material. The aeronautical
material screening unit (AMSU) of an IMA coordinates
the screening of materials and parts to determine repair
responsibility and repair capability.
The role that an AZ plays in the Naval Aviation
Maintenance Program is an important one. Regardless
of your assignment, whether ashore or at sea, in a
squadron, or in an aviation intermediate maintenance
department, the concept of providing safe, reliable
aircraft should be your primary objective. To meet this
objective, the Navy relies on you, the AZ, to provide
detailed, exact information.
The references that are identified in this manual (in
italic) are the references that you should use in your
day-to-day tasks. When you are unsure about how to
perform a certain tasks, never rely on your memory.
Learn to use your references. Using your references
should make your job easier and you will be respected
for being professional and doing your job right the
first time.