3. Open the door of the grip blast cabinet by
holding two thumbscrews and lifting. Place the
prepared end of the wire rope into the grit blast
cabinet to a convenient working location.
Support the wire rope externally so that it
enters horizontally. Secure the door with the
wire rope in position. The wire rope should fit
snugly. If the inserts used do not effect a snug
fit, apply tape or cloth to that area of the wire
An 80-100 psi dry-air source must be
connected to an air filter located in the grit blast
cabinet. Turn on the air source when ready to
blast the wire rope.
With hands in the gloves of the cabinet, grasp
the blasting gun in one hand; and with the other
hand, hold the siphon tube 1 inch or more
below the surface of the grit. See figure 3-51.
Blast the broomed-out wires with the gun
nozzle tip 1/4 inch away from the wires. Use a
back and forth motion over the entire length of
exposed broomed-out wires, from the top of
the wires to the bottom of the wires. Continue
until a dull nonreflective surface appears on the
wires. Rotate the wire rope 90°, using the
applicable twisting wrench. See figure 3-52.
NOTE: If during the grit blast operation the gun
becomes clogged, it may be necessary to sift foreign
matter from the grit. This is accomplished by using a
sieve furnished with the grit blasting cabinet.
Repeat the process until the entire exposed area
of wire rope has been grit blasted. Finally,
direct the nozzle into the open end of the
broomed-out wires at about 30° from the
longitudinal, and rotate the wire rope slowly
through 360° while blasting with a circular
motion. See figure 3-53. Remove the wire rope
completeness of grit blasting. Any evidence of
shine will indicate a need for additional grit
blasting. After being grit blasted, the wires
should not be touched with hands, rags, gloves,
and so on, or the cleanliness required for sound
terminals will be impaired.
Figure 3-51.Grit blasting of wire rope.
Figure 3-52.Rotating the cable in the grit blast cabinet.
Figure 3-53.Blasting inner wires.