The OPNAV 4790/2K is used to report all deferred
maintenance actions that do not result in configuration
changes. Partially completed maintenance actions that
will result in configuration changes and complete or
partial accomplishment of alterations are reported on
OPNAV 4790/CK. A description of the OPNAV
4790/2K information sections is presented in the
following paragraphs.
Section I-Identification
This section identifies the equipment or system on
which maintenance actions are being performed.
Section II-Deferral Action
This section filled in when reporting the deferral of
a maintenance action. Indicates ship's force man-hours
expended up to the time of deferral, the date of the
deferral, ship's force man-hours remaining, and if the
work must be completed by a certain date.
Section III-Completed Action
This section is filled in to report the completion of a
maintenance action.
Section IV-Remarks/Description
This section must be filled in when the deferral of a
maintenance action is reported. It is filled in when the
completion of a maintenance action is reported, only
when such remarks are considered important to the
maintenance action. This section must also be filled in
to report maintenance actions on selected equipment
requiring second level reporting, and to describe
situations that are safety related.
Section V-Supplementary Information
This section contains helpful information about
deferred maintenance actions, such as what technical
manuals and blueprints are available and whether or not
they are retained on board the requesting ship.
Section VI-Repair Activity Planning Action
The repair activity may use this section for internal
planning and scheduling of the workload.
Block G, Completed By
This block contains the signature and rate/rank of
the senior person actively engaged on the job in the lead
workcenter. For maintenance actions not requiring
assistance from an outside workcenter, the senior
person working on the job signs this block and indicates
his or her rate.
Block H, Accepted By
This block contains the signature and rate/rank of
the individual authorized by the tended ship to verify
the acceptability of the work performed. Completion of
this block is mandatory when an OPNAV 4790/2K is
used to report completion of a previously deferred
maintenance action. For maintenance actions not
requiring assistance from an outside workcenter, the
workcenter supervisor will sign this block and indicate
his or her rate/rank.
The commanding officer, or his/her authorized
representative, places his/her signature on all original
deferrals in block E. Two copies are held in a deferral
suspense file in the workcenter until the JCN appears on
the automated CSMP report, at which time the copies
are transferred to the active suspense file held in the
The maintenance planning and estimating form
(OPNAV 4790/2P) (fig. 7-15) is used along with the
OPNAV 4790/2K form for deferring maintenance to be
done by an intermediate maintenance activity (IMA).
Attached to the original 2K at the intermediate
maintenance activity, it is used by the IMA to screen
and plan the job in detail.