the Reschedule column for accomplishment in
the next quarter, if they are within their
assigned periodicities. At the end of the quarter
the department head should indicate awareness
of the maintenance actions which were not
accomplished by reviewing, signing, and
dating the back of the schedule for the quarter
just completed. The department head should
also take positive steps to ensure that priority is
given to completing maintenance requirements
rescheduled from the previous quarter and
those not accomplished within their assigned
5. The completed Quarterly PMS Schedule is
removed from the holder after the close of each
quarter and retained as a planned maintenance
record. The four previously completed
quarterly schedules will be retained.
The recopying of Quarterly Schedules to
facilitate legibility is discouraged, and should
only be done with the division officer's written
The Weekly PMS Schedule (fig. 7-12) displays the
planned maintenance scheduled for accomplishment in
Figure 7-12.Weekly PMS Schedule.