The preparation of the Ammunition Master StockRecord Card, NAVSUP 1296, is discussed in thefollowing paragraphs. An example of NAVSUP 1296 isshown in figure 17-10.BLOCK 1 (ENTRY DATE). Enter the five-digitJulian date on which the transaction occurred.BLOCK 2 (DOCUMENT NUMBER). Enter theService code and Unit Identification Code in block 2a(ACTIVITY), the Julian date in block 2b (DATE), andthe serial number in block 2c (SERIAL) from thereceipt document, issue document, or outstandingrequisition document, as applicable.BLOCK 3 (TRANSACTIONS). Enter the type oftransaction (receipt, issue, expenditure, etc.). For block3a (TYPE) the appropriate code. Block 3b indicates thequantity of transactions listed in block 3a.BLOCK 4 (ON-HAND BALANCES). Enter theon-hand balances for each condition on board. Block 4awill contain "A" condition material. Blocks 4b through4e will be filled in with Condition codes as appropriate.BLOCK 5 (ATR SER). Enter the three-digittransaction report number from the ATR in block 5.BLOCK 6 (QUANTITY DUE IN). Enter thequantity on order but not yet received.BLOCK7(UNEXPENDEDTRAININGALLOWANCE). Enter the number of rounds availablefor training for the remainder of the fiscal year. Youmust compute this number by subtracting the trainingexpenditures (as they occur) from the unexpendedtraining allowance.BLOCK 8 (PACKAGING REMARKS). Enter thepertinentpackaginginformation,suchas2,000rounds/case or 50 rounds/box. This entry is notabsolutely necessary but is beneficial when you have todo an inventory.BLOCK 9 (ALLOWANCE). Enter the shipfill,mission, load, or cargo load allowance, as applicable. Itis possible for a particular NALC to be applicable totwo or more allowances. When this situation exists, youmust maintain a separate Ammunition Master StockRecord Card for each allowance category. For example,there are presently 20,000 rounds of AO11 authorizedaboard the ship. The allowances are 10,000 rounds asshipfill allowance, 5,000 rounds as mission allowance,and 5,000 rounds as load allowance. Although all20,000 rounds were received in the same shipment and17-30Figure 17-10.—Example of a blank Ammunition Master Stock Record Card (NAVSUP Form 1296).
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