(column L), and the requisition document number(column N). This NALC was received from NWSYORKTOWN FFT to USS George Washington, and isa SLIT-controlled item. Therefore, the activity fromwhich the item was received, the ship to which the itemis to be transferred, the serial number, and the MDD areentered in paragraph 7.Reconciliation ReportsWhenNavalAmmunitionLogisticsCenterrequests a reconciliation report to correct errorsbetween the ship's data files and the CAIMS data base,you should submit a response in the format shown infigure 17-7. When the on-hand balance of a NALClisted on the reconciliation request does not agree withyour data files, an on-sight inventory must beconducted to verify the actual on-hand balance.The reconciliation report shown in figure 17-7shows no change in the ship's data files because theon-hand balance as of the last report (column B) and thecurrent on-hand balance (column L) is the same.However, when the on-sight inventory results in GBIs17-26Figure 17-6.—ATR showing receipts and issues for further transfer.
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