it is required on most naval messages. The SSIC is
derived from SECNAVINST 5210.11 (series). The
SSIC consists of a six-character code preceded and
followed by two slant signs. It is used as a message
processing aid and by communication centers for
internal message distribution. For ATRs the SSIC is
always //N08010//.
CINCLANTFLT 8010-4. This is the subject line of the
ATR. AMMO (ammunition) TRANS (transmittal) RPT
(report) CINCLANTFLT 8010-4.
1. ITEMS TWO. Two indicates the total number
of items reported in paragraph 6.
2. SER EIGHT FOUR. The serial number of the
report is 84.
3. UIC 03368/0. The originator's Unit Identifica-
tion Code. The check-sum-digit procedure was used as
previously discussed.
4. ACT CLASS DELTA. This is the ACT
explanation of activity classification DELTA, refer to
the activity classifications listed in table 17-7.
5. Date 00166/9. The ATR was submitted on the
166th day of 2000 and the check-sum-digit is 9.
This paragraph reflects the NALCs for which
the transactions are being reported, the on-hand
quantity of items, quantity received, serviceable
on-hand quantity, unserviceable/suspended quantity on
hand, requisition document number, and narrative
Column A. This column shows the NALCs for
which the transaction is reported. The NALC is listed
directly beneath column A; subsequent NALCs are
located directly under the preceding NALC. NALCs
Remember that the NALC is always a mandatory
Column B. This column shows the on-hand
quantity of the item as of the last report. The last ATR
serial number submitted for a particular NALC can be
easily obtained by referring to the Ammunition Master
Stock Record Card (discussed later in this chapter).
After obtaining the last report for a particular NALC,
add the digits in column L (serviceable on-hand) and
column M (unserviceable/suspended on-hand) to
obtain the sum. This sum provides the total quantity on
hand and is entered in column B.
Column C. This column shows the quantity
received. When all the items under an NALC are
shipped from the same UIC, the total amount should be
entered in column C. When some of the items under the
NALC are received from more than one UIC, an entry
must be made in paragraph 7 to show the shipping
Column L. This column shows the new service-
able on-hand quantity. The sum of columns B and C
provides you with the new serviceable on-hand
Column M. This column shows the unserviceable/
suspended quantity on hand. When this quantity has not
changed since the last report, no entry is required.
When items reported under the NALC have become
unserviceable or suspended since the last report, an
entry reflecting the new balance must be made under
column M. Remember, the quantity added to column M
must be deducted from column L.
Column N. This column shows the requisition
document number of the material shipped.
7. REMARKS: This paragraph contains the
name(s) of the activity(ies) that shipped the material.
When the material involved in the transaction requires
SLIT, the appropriate information is entered in this
paragraph. Remember that all numerical entries require
check-sum-digit procedures.
Gains and Losses by Inventory Reports
An example of an ATR with GBIs and LBIs is
shown in figure 17-5. The reporting of GBIs is basically
the same as previously discussed for reporting receipts.
In figure 17-5, NALC A662 is reported as a GBI.
Column A lists the NALC, column B lists the total
quantity on hand as of the last report, column C lists the
quantity gained by inventory, and column L lists the
new total-on-hand balance. NALC A662 is entered in
paragraph 7 of the report as a GBI with a brief
The ATR also shows NALCs A661 and M128 as
LBIs. Note that column A lists the NALC, column B
lists the total quantity on hand as of the last report,
column C lists the quantity received as zero because no
material was received, column J lists the quantity LBI,
and column L lists the total quantity remaining. The
column J quantity must be deducted from the quantity
in column B. An entry is made in paragraph 7 of the
report showing NALCs A661 and M128 as LBIs. The
LBI involving NALC A661 was an error in reporting,