Because of the small size of most hardware items,
The fact that there are thousands of rivets in an
their importance is often overlooked. The safe and
airframe is an indication of how important riveting is in
efficient operation of any aircraft is greatly dependent
the AM rating. A glance at any aircraft will show the
upon correct selection and use of aircraft structural
thousands of rivets in the outer skin alone. Besides the
hardware and seals. Aircraft hardware is discussed in
riveted skin, rivets are also used for joining spar
detail in the Structural Hardware Manual, NAVAIR
sections, for holding rib sections in place, for securing
fittings to various parts of the aircraft, and for fastening
bracing members and other parts together. Rivets that
Aircraft hardware is usually identified by its
are satisfactory for one part of the aircraft are often
specification number or trade name. Threaded fasteners
unsatisfactory for another part. Therefore, it is
and rivets are usually identified by AN (Air
important that you know the strength and driving
Force-Navy), NAS (national aircraft standard), and MS
properties of the various types of rivets and how to
(military standard) numbers. Quick-release fasteners
identify them, as well as how to drive or install them.
are usually identified by factory trade names and size
Solid Rivets
To obtain aircraft hardware from supply, the
specification numbers and the factory part numbers are
Solid rivets are classified by their head shape, by
changed into stock numbers (NSN). This is done by
the material from which they are manufactured, and by
using a part number cross-reference index.
their size. Rivet head shapes and their identifying code
numbers are shown in figure 3-1. The prefix MS
identifies hardware that conforms to written military
standards. The prefix AN identifies specifications that
are developed and issued under the joint authority of the
various types of rivets used in the construction
Air Force and the Navy.
and repair of naval aircraft. Identify the various
types of fasteners used in the construction and
Rivet Identification Code
repair of naval aircraft. Identify the cable and
cable guides used in aircraft construction and
The rivet codes shown in figure 3-1 are sufficient to
identify rivets only by head shape. To be meaningful
and precisely identify a rivet, certain other information
The term aircraft structural hardware refers to
is encoded and added to the basic code.
many items used in aircraft construction. These items
include such hardware as rivets, fasteners, bolts, nuts,
A letter or letters following the head-shaped code
screws, washers, cables, guides, and common electrical
identify the material or alloy from which the rivet was
system hardware.
Figure 3-1.--Rivet head shapes and code numbers.