Other Tubing
Fittings for tube connections are made of alumi-
Corrosion-resistant steel 21-6-9 and titanium alloy
num alloy, titanium steel, corrosion-resistant steel, brass,
3AL-2.5V are presently being incorporated into new
and bronze. Fittings are made in many configurations
model aircraft. Repair and fabrication of assemblies
and styles. The usual classifications are flared-tube
using these materials may require special procedures.
fittings, flareless-tube fittings, brazed, welded, and
Refer to the applicable maintenance directives for
swaged fittings (figs. 10-25 through 10-28). Refer to
specific details.
table 10-11, for identification of fittings.
Figure 10-26.--Typical styles of AN fittings.