Figure 10-59.--Dynatube swaging process.
tube and wall thickness stated on the tool identification
Figure 10-58.--Field installation and repair tool kit
Holding fixture dies support and position Dynatube
fittings during swaging. Holding fixture dies have a
One method of repairing damaged Dynatube
nest that conforms to the shape and size of the fitting to
fittings is to use longer length Dynatube fittings. These
be used. A male and female set of dies is provided for
can be installed in place of damaged fittings on the
each basic tube diameter size that corresponds with
same tube assembly, as shown in figure 10-55.
male or female Dynatube fittings. Holding fixture
Dynatube male fittings with minor surface damage
collars are used to clamp holding fixture dies shut
such as scratches can be repaired using the Dynatube
during swaging. The resurfacing tool assembly uses
fitting resurfacing tool, shown in figure 10-56.
replaceable energy discs in progressively finer grades
Do not attempt to repair a damaged female
to remove scratches from the sealing surface of male
Dynatube fitting. Damaged straight tubing can be
repaired by cutting out the damaged section and
Q10-13. How are rigid tubing assemblies sized?
installing a splice assembly in its place, as shown in
figure 10-57.
Q10-14. What type of tubing is used in a high-pressure
hydraulic system that has 3000 psi or above?
Resistoflex hand tools are housed in a single
carrying case (fig. 10-58). These tools are designed for
Q10-15. What type of tubing
in-place repairs. Figure 10-59 shows tools assembled
general-purpose lines?
for swaging process. Some of the tools used to swage
Q10-16. What color is a carbon steel tube fitting?
fitting are shown in figure 10-60.
Q10-17. What manual must you refer to when
Tube expanders are precision swaging tools for
fabricating a tube assembly?
expanding hydraulic tubing into serrations of Dynatube
fitting sockets. Tube expanders are set to expand tubing
Q10-18. What is the primary objective when cutting a
to a specific diameter, and must be used only with the
piece of tubing?
Figure 10-60.--Swaging and repair tool kit.