Figure 14-29.--Single disc brake--repair and parts replacement diagram.
7. Check the brake housing for cracks and cylinder
3. Remove the inlet plug and bushing, the bleeder
adapter, and O-ring packings.
walls for nicks or other visible damage.
Damage will necessitate turning in the complete
4. Remove the brake linings from the pistons, the
brake assembly to supply for disposition.
brake housing, and the disc guide.
8. Install new linings in the housing cavities and
5. Clean the brake assembly components with
rivet on the disc guide lining. Friction fit will
low-pressure compressed air. Wash all metal
hold the linings in the housing cavities. Do NOT
parts in P-D-680 cleaning solvent. Dry with
use cement.
compressed air.
9. Install new linings in the piston cavities using
6. Check the release units for damage, nicks, and
brake lining adhesive specified for such use (for
gouges. If damaged, replace the complete
release unit.
example, Pliogrip No. 3).