Figure 14-30.--Dual disc brake--repair and parts replacement.
The piston assemblies are then installed in the
retaining rings clockwise until the rings are snug
against the bottom guides. Back off the threaded
cylinder housing and forced to the complete brake-off
retaining rings 3/4 of a turn counterclockwise from the
positions--bottomed in the housing cavities. The
bottomed positions and, if necessary, continue turning
pistons are supported against their linings to the
counterclockwise to the next locking position, as
brake-off position. Use the press and the grip driver, as
shown in view F. Secure the threaded retainer with the
illustrated in view G, to force the grips, one at a time,
wire retaining ring.
over the adjusting pins until they are bottomed. The
pistons must remain in the complete brake-off position
Replace the piston packings with new packings
when the grips are installed. Place the spacers over the
that have been dipped in hydraulic fluid, and ensure
adjusting pins and install the bushings fingertight.
that the packings and adjusting pin stems are lubricated
with hydraulic fluid.
Hold the bushings in fingertight positions and install