wings. Because minimum wing sweep limiting is not
The wing sweep control, initiated at the throttle
available in the mechanical control mode, the wings
quadrant, provides electronic or mechanical control of
can be swept to an adverse position that could cause
a hydromechanical system that sweeps the wings. See
damage to the wings. Mechanical control is used for
figure 2-7. The wings can be swept from 20 degrees
emergency wing sweep and wing oversweep.
through 68 degrees in flight. On the ground,
mechanical control allows a wing sweep position of 75
Secondary Flight Controls
degrees. See figure 2-8. This position is used when
flight deck personnel spot the aircraft or when
Secondary flight controls include those controls
maintenance personnel need to enable the wing sweep
not designated as primary controls. The secondary
control self-test.
controls supplement the primary controls by aiding the
Electronic Control.--Wing sweep using elec-
pilot in controlling the aircraft. Various types are used
tronic control is initiated at the throttle quadrant. Four
on naval aircraft, but only the most common are
modes are available: automatic, aft manual, forward
discussed here.
manual, or bomb manual. Selection of these modes
TRIM TABS.--Trim tabs are small airfoils
causes the air data computer to generate wing sweep
recessed in the trailing edge of a primary control
commands consistent with the aircraft's speed, altitude,
surface. Their purpose is to enable the pilot to
and configuration of the flaps and slats. If the automatic
neutralize any unbalanced condition that might exist
mode is used to apply the commands, the wings are
during flight, without exerting any pressure on the
positioned at a rate of 7.5 degrees per second.
control stick or rudder pedals. Each trim tab is hinged to
Mechanical Control.--When wing sweep is in the
its parent control surface, but is operated independently
mechanical control mode, the wing sweep handle uses
by a separate control.
the wing sweep/flap and slat control box to position the
Figure 2-8.--Wing oversweep position--manual control (F-14).