2. When the wheel no longer spins freely, back
off the axle nut one castellation (one-sixth turn). When
You should clean bearings, bearing cups, wheel
properly installed and adjusted, the wheel will turn
bores, and grease retainers with P-D-680, type II
freely, but will not move sidewise.
solvent, in accordance with NA 04-10-1, to remove all
NOTE: This procedure may vary from one aircraft
to another. Some aircraft require a specific torque to be
applied to the axle nut. In these cases, you should refer
neutralism (MIL-C-15074) by immersing and agitating
to the applicable MIM.
for 2 to 3 minutes. Dry the bearings and the hub area
with compressed air. Be careful not to spin the
3. Install the appropriate axle nut safety device.
unlubricated bearings. You should perform a visual
4. Install and lock the hubcap in place.
inspection of the bearings, bearing retainers, and
There are some inboard bearings that do not need
bearing cups with a 10X magnifier. Replace all
to be removed except to be replaced. These bearings
excessively worn, dented, scored, or pitted bearing
are listed in table 3-2 of Aircraft Wheels, NAVAIR
cups. Most bearing cups will display some wear. This is
not cause for replacement as long as no step can be felt
and there are no dents, scores, or definite corrosion pits.
Safety Training
Some cups will have a light gum or surface corrosion
deposit that can be removed by lightly polishing with
When you perform tire and wheel maintenance,
abrasive webbing (MIL-A-9962). Do not use a coarse
you should handle inflated and partially inflated wheel
abrasive and do not remove the base material. After
assemblies with the same respect and care as live
polishing the bearing cup, you should thoroughly clean
ordnance because of the destructive potential of a gas
the bearing cup and wheel bore to remove all deposits.
under pressure.
Reinspect the polished bearing cups for defects, and
replace them if necessary. Any obvious defects on
If tire and wheel maintenance is performed within
bearing cone and roller assemblies, including cracks in
your command, the command should conduct
the bearing retainer, are cause for replacement.
appropriate training. The minimum requirements for
the training program should include the following:
QAR supervised tire and wheel assembly
removal and replacement.
You should repack the bearings with MIL-G-81322
grease. Spread a thin layer of grease on bearing cups.
QAR supervised wheel bearing cleaning and
Inspect the rubber grease retainers for evidence of
QAR administered examinations.
Replace them if necessary. Freshwater-saturated felt
NAVAIR publications familiarization training.
retainers may be dried and reused if they are otherwise
Display of tire and wheel safety posters in the
serviceable. Saltwater contaminated felt seals must be
replaced. You should presoak felt retainers with
work centers. (See figure 7-6.)
VV-L-800 oil prior to their installation. Reinstall the
Documentation of completed training.
wheel on the aircraft according to the applicable
maintenance instruction manual (MIM).
One of the responsibilities of an intermediate
When you reinstall the wheel on the aircraft, the
maintenance activity (IMA) is to determine wheel
proper adjustment of the bearings is extremely im-
overhaul requirements. Other IMA responsibilities
portant. The following general rules apply to wheel
include painting, cleaning, inspection (lubrication),
corrosion and physical damage blendout, and wheel
1. Tighten the axle nut while you spin the wheel
with your hand.