To what manual should you refer to find
The rims, bearing hub ends, and tire bead area can
information on cleaning aircraft wheels?
be blended out with a medium or fine cut, half-round or
round file. You should lightly file the damaged area to
A fuse plug can be kept in service if the
remove the defects. After the defects have been
eutectic core material does NOT extend what
removed, you should hand polish the areas with 320 or
maximum distance above the surface of the
finer grit aluminum oxide (P-C-451). All file marks
hex nut?
should be removed. The areas should be painted
What grease should you use to repack wheel
according to NAVAIR 04-10-1 and NAVAIR
What is the recommended method for
Gouges, nicks, and pockmarks on the outside
Split rim wheels are manufactured and assembled
ends of bearing hubs are considered
as a matched assembly. Each half will have the same
significant if they exceed what depth?
serial number. If a wheel half is rejected at the IMA, the
remaining half may be matched to a serviceable
replacement to make a complete assembly. When you
combine unmatched wheel halves, each half must have
the same part number. Every effort should be made to
procedures for dismounting, mounting, and
keep the manufacture dates of each half as close as
inflating aircraft tires. Identify various tire
possible. Each half of this wheel assembly will now
markings. Determine preventive maintenance
have different serial numbers, which is acceptable.
requirements indicated by tire tread wear.
Q7-1. Aircraft wheels are made from what two
Proper care and maintenance of tires have always
been important items in aircraft maintenance. Because
Q7-2. What are the two general types of wheels used
of the modern fast-landing aircraft, careful tire
on naval aircraft?
maintenance has become increasingly important.
Aircraft tires are built to withstand a great deal of
Q7-3. On a demountable flange wheel, what holds
punishment, but only by proper care and maintenance
the flange in place?
can they give safe and dependable service.
Q7-4. What is the basic unit of an aircraft wheel
The dimensions used to identify wheels are not
necessarily the dimensions of the wheels themselves.
Q7-5. All main landing gear wheel braking
Instead, they refer to dimensions of the tire.
components are attached to the wheel
casting. What do these components consist
Figure 7-10 shows the construction details of a
Q7-6. What are the two major causes of aircraft
tube-type aircraft tire. Tubeless tires are similar to tube
wheel failures?
tires except they have a rubber inner liner that is mated
Q7-7. What solvent should be used to clean
to the inside surface of the tire. The rubber liner helps
bearings, bearing cups, wheel bores, and
retain air in the tire. The beaded area of a tubeless tire is
grease retainers?
designed to form a seal with the wheel flange. Wear
indicators have been built into some tires as an aid in
Q7-8. Before installing felt grease retainers, what
measuring tread wear. These indicators are holes in the
should you soak them in?
tread area or lands in the bottom of the tread grooves.
Q7-9. During wheel installation, how far do you
The cord body consists of multiple layers of nylon
back off the axle nut when the wheel no longer
with individual cords arranged parallel to each other
spins freely?
and completely encased in rubber. The cord fabric has
Where can you find the procedures for
its strength in only one direction. Each layer of coated
aircraft wheel installation?
fabric constitutes one ply of the cord body. Adjacent
What activity determines wheel overhaul
cord plies in the body are assembled with the cords
crossing at nearly right angles to each other. This